In our last reading, we heard that Abram and his wife, along with his father and nephew, Lot had left to settle in Harran. That was just the first step. Now God is about to use Abram in a mighty way! The word Abram received from God in today’s reading must have rocked his world. Time to go again. Leave your father and all that is familiar, God said, and I will bless you. And Abram was, in turn, to be a blessing on all peoples. What do you think Abram thought? Do you think his wife, Sarai, had anything to say about it?
Certainly, in our day and age. we are not surprised by people packing up their belongings and moving away. For someone like me who lived in the exact same house for my whole childhood, it could seem strange, but I have moved plenty since, including a move abroad! Listening for a word from God is always a confirmation that the move is what God wants. God blesses what he approves of.
Whether or not you’re familiar with the story of Abram, taking smaller chunks of the narrative can be helpful in seeing the touches from God. We shouldn’t rush past the beautiful obedience we see modeled here. From what we’re told, Abram didn’t talk about or try to reason his way out of God’s instruction. He trusted. He knew it was time to go.
What holds us back when we know it’s time for us to move? Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of losing touch with loved ones and friends. Bottom line – fear. When I think about it, I’d be more fearful of displeasing God or taking the wrong path. If we get off track, we need to rely on God to swoop in and clean up our mess. Does he do it? He’s done it for me, but I’m not proud of the fact that he had to rescue me because of my own ignorance. Yet, he knew my heart. God knew I wanted to be faithful to him. God rescued me so we could start on Plan B.
What about you? Are you securely in God’s will still proceeding with Plan A, or has God showed his mercy to you, too, and given you Plan B, Plan C or even Plan D? How are you feeling about where you are? Is it time to go? Maybe it’s not a physical move, but a move toward something like a new hobby, a new job or a new career. We have so many choices in life. It’s sometimes easier to just stay put in our comfortable little rut.
There is a bit of a foreshadow here in verse 7. “To your offspring,” God says. What do you think Abram thought when he heard this, considering he had no children. His wife, Sarai, was barren. God’s promise would not go unfulfilled, but we’ll have to wait for a lesson or two to find out what happens there. Abram’s story is unfolding before our eyes, just like our own lives unfold anew each day.
How can you be more trusting in your walk of faith? How (not necessarily “where”) does God want you to move?
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for the promise you made to Abram. I thank you, too, for the promises you make to me in my life. There is so much more in store for me, it’s hard for me to even imagine. I don’t want to miss a single step or word from you. Show me like you showed Abram the way to go. I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth if you open up the way. If your plan for me is here, great! I just want to be obedient. In Jesus’ name. Amen.