Ezra 7:27-28 – Giving Thanks

girl giving thanks and looking up to the sky with joy

Read Ezra 7:27-28

Ezra sets a good example for the people and for us. Gratitude to God should be always shown. Ezra was touched by how the Lord was moving and demonstrated his gratefulness for God’s hand of protection and provision by giving thanks.

What is the last thing that you thanked God for? Was it the sunshine, a parking spot close to the door, a good report from the doctor, another breath. Sometimes we get busy and forget to give God the nod for being in our life. Don’t forget to invite him into your everyday tasks either.

Ezra was giving God credit for some mighty and wonderful things. It’s good to call out the goodness of God when we see it. We can share with the world what God is doing. Why keep to ourselves all of God’s awesomeness? Just imagine how many people have forgotten about God, or at least not given God credit for some of his mighty deeds.

Don’t we all long for what Ezra describes when he says he “felt encouraged because the gracious hand of the Lord my God was on me.” Can you say you feel “encouraged” because of your faith and relationship with Jesus? Yes, we can even have a relationship with God! That’s something Ezra never fully explored since he was still waiting for the Messiah.

It doesn’t matter when Ezra prayed this prayer of thanksgiving. His heart is clearly in tune with God. The lines of communication seem to be healthy and strong. Ezra desires to live a life that pleases God and helps others do the same. God rewards people with hearts like that with his “gracious hand.”

Take some time today to think through your top 10 list of things you want to thank God for. You don’t have to stop with 10! Pray a prayer of gratitude.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Father God, thank you, thank you, thank you! Gratitude is in my heart and on my lips. Your mighty deeds and miracles continue around me. I delight in seeing your hand at work in our world. I am so thankful for what you done and how you protect me. My heart overflows. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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