Having fled for his life, Moses is soon welcomed into a new community. The Midianites would have been a people living in the Sinai Peninsula area between Egypt and Israel. There is not a lot known about them from what I have read. What we do see is how God has opened their hearts to be part of Moses’ story. Moses’ own people, the Israelites, don’t recognize him. The people who adopted him, the Egyptians are out to kill him. Yet the Midianites have welcomed him with open arms.
Moses is given a wife and we hear about his first son, Gershom. Moses recognizes he is a foreigner in a foreign land. I understand how that feels now that we live in Mexico. I had never given it much thought for the 50+ years I lived in my home country. Living in different cities always posed a new challenge, but the culture was the same. In Mexico, so many things are different from anything I’ve ever known. It goes way beyond the language barrier of which I’m crushing. I’m embracing the fact I am now the foreigner in a foreign land. I rely all the more on God to show me how I can make a difference here.
The story closes today with a bit of foreshadowing. The king or pharaoh who had called for Moses’ death has now died. There is a new ruler in power in Egypt. How is God going to use this? We shall soon see in the days ahead.
What we do know is that the oppression of the Israelites has not improved under the new leadership. While Moses is far removed from all of the cruelty and abuse, God is watching it all. We read that God saw and knew it was time to act. How is God going to intervene?
No matter what happens in life, following God’s plan for us should be our number one motivator. New chapters and new beginnings happen for all of us. How do you know which direction to take? Remember the game, follow the leader? Think of that. We are following Jesus’ example, seeking God first. Here’s a song I love by Chris Tomlin. Listen to “I Will Follow” HERE.
If you have a struggle or challenge facing you, you can be assured that the God who was watching over the Israelites is also watching over you. Who or what is he preparing even now for your rescue? There may be a new beginning waiting for you, too. Are you open to that? Are you listening for your call to move? Are you ready to follow?

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for our new beginning here in Mexico. It’s been several years already, yet I still feel like you are working out the details. May I be attentive to you and what you want from me. Help me to follow you. I know with you comes unending joy and life everlasting. As challenges arise, help me see your hand of protection and resolution. Thank you for the reminders each day of who is in charge. It’s not me! Guide each step I take and keep me moving closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.