Can you imagine what it was like growing up as an Israelite wearing Egyptian clothes? Moses had to be so conflicted. He was probably immune to the suffering of “his” people living in the palace with his princess mother. It was probably a very posh upbringing, compared to what it would have been had he stayed with his birth mother.
In today’s passage, we see a frustrated Moses. He obviously knew they were “his” people and wanted to connect. His visit was probably innocent enough, at first. What he saw, an Egyptian beating one of the Hebrew slaves. That behavior wasn’t acceptable, but it seems Moses’ anger burned deeply as if he was the one being attacked. What did he do?
He killed the Egyptian. But he took precautions to make sure nobody had seen him. Have you ever done something you didn’t want anyone to see? I can remember several things I used to do as a child that were a little odd (I’ll spare you the details). I suppose that’s why I didn’t want anyone to see. What would they have thought of me?
Sometimes we do things in secret so we don’t get “caught.” But sooner or later the truth has a way of coming to the surface. Our secret is often revealed. Whether or not seen by man, God has seen. God has had a front-row seat to the whole thing. We are EXPOSED!
God’s approval should be what we are seeking, not the approval of man. If what we are doing is good and pleasing to God, then we have nothing to worry about. I wonder what God thought about Moses killing that man?
Moses was surprised when he found out the next day that there was a witness to his deed. Despite being a Hebrew himself, he didn’t seem to be particularly popular with the Israelites as far as I can tell from today’s reading. It didn’t take long, and news of the killing traveled to Pharoah as well, who then called for the arrest and murder of Moses. Moses had no option but to flee and put as many miles as he could between himself and Pharaoh.
We can take away a reminder that God is always watching. We can’t hide our sins from him. He knows we are going to stumble, but he stands ready to catch us when we fall. It’s better to be open and honest with people, and especially with God.

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when my trust falters and I try to do something on my own. Forgive me for trying to hide my sins and sweep them under the rug as if they never happened. I repent and thank you for your great mercy. May your love shine through me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.