It started like any other day. Moses was tending sheep. He had probably kissed his wife goodbye and headed out for a day in the hot sun. Never in a million years did he expect to meet God that day. God will show up for us in unexpected places, too. We need to be watching.
I have seen this scene portayed in different ways. Watch HERE.
I loved what Moses said, “Here I am.” There was an openness and vulnerability in that statement. Moses answered an unknown voice, why? Out of curiosity? Respect? He didn’t know this burning bush was God, did he? But he was fascinated. What kinds of emotions do you think were coursing through his veins at this moment?
When we experience God, are we as open like that? We might not even recognize God at first either. But when it becomes apparent that God has intervened in some way in your life, how does that make you feel? Examples would be an answered prayer, a green light when you’re in a hurry, a word of encouragement from a friend or even a stranger at just the right moment. Could that be God?
I don’t get the impression that Moses was afraid, only in awe. He was standing in the presence of God. I’m sure he was curious what this was all about. God didn’t waste any time revealing the purpose. God had seen the persecution Moses’ people were enduring in Egypt. He had “come down” to rescue them.
God revealed a bit of his plan to Moses. His people would be released from bondage and able to live in a land “flowing with milk and honey.” Doesn’t that sound delightful? If you have ever gone through a trying time in your life, you know the pure joy when you get through it. Sweet release, like living in a peaceful, fertile valley.
But God needed Moses’ help. God was going to use Moses to accomplish this rescue. I’m sure when Moses heard these words he had a few objections or things to say. Maybe he was just standing there awestruck still in shock to be standing on holy ground. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see how Moses responds to God’s mission for him.
In the meantime, we should be thinking about how God is calling each of us. What job has been entrusted to you? How do you respond when you encounter God? These are some questions to wrestle with today. If you’re not feeling especially useful or can’t imagine what God could have for you to do, ask him!
I strongly believe that if we are alive and breathing, we should be serving God in some way. It might not be as mighty as rescuing people from slavery, but it could be smiling at your neighbor, praying for a friend, or helping someone restore their relationship with God. All, very big jobs as well!

Let’s pray. Thank you, Lord, for how you are using me. I know it’s for you when you equip me for service. Help me never discount any message from you. I eagerly await words from you, direction from you, and a clear path to make it all work. Thank you for the boldness and drive you have given me to persevere in the midst of trial and confusion. I ask you to go before me and prepare the way. I will follow. In Jesus’ name. Amen.