I’ll never forget the day my daughter put gas in her own car for the first time. She was taking forever, but she was bound and determined to figure it out on her own. What I had been doing for decades, she was doing for the first time, and it apparently isn’t as “easy as it looks.” I was happy to share my wisdom with her. And that was just a superficial task she’ll never forget how to do. How much more we can pour into our children’s lives (if they are open to it!).
I was also communicating with a young father the other day, and he told me how he loves to live vicariously through his children because he can see the world afresh through their innocent eyes. So the blessing can go both ways. We can share our experience and know-how, and the wee ones can share their innocence. Win. Win.
Today, Moses had the opportunity to heed the advice of his father-in-law, Jethro. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the life Moses was living in the desert with this hoard of Israelites, was exhausting him. As the leader and main communicator with God, Moses was in a position of authority. The people looked to him as their problem solver. But it was too much. Moses was so devoted to helping others, he was hurting himself.
Jethro could see immediately the problem and a solution. It is usually easier for someone not sucked into the middle of a situation to see a better way. That’s why businesses call in consultants to help with efficiency. I’m sure you could just see the stress draining from Moses as he found good reliable leaders to help him in making the “judgment calls.” Another win-win!
Then there is the issue of delegating power. I used to have a very hard time with this. I didn’t think that anyone could do the job as good as I was doing it. So, I would just have to do it all. Can you identify? Well, I’ve gotten wiser. While it is hard to give away a task I’ve done for a long time and have done “so well,” someone else is just waiting for direction. Will the new person do it better? Maybe, maybe not. They’ll do it differently. We need to be ready to let go.
Moses did a good job of listening to wise advice and heeding it. We need to be ready to do the same. Take some time today to make an accounting of all that you do. If you didn’t do it, who would? Who could? Who should? Are there things you would rather not do (like laundry)? Is there a way you can lessen your load so you’ll have more time to spend building your relationship with God and others?
What other wise counsel have you heard lately that you should be listening to?

Let’s pray. Lord, there are so many things I could delegate and should. Help me have eyes to see the people who would be blessed and ready to do these things. Give me the peace to let go. May I truly listen to the counsel of others when it is trying to help make me a better person, a better follower of Christ. Thank you for the best wisdom of all – your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.