Moses got an unexpected visit from his father-in-law, Jethro who happened to bring along Moses’ wife and sons, too. What a nice surprise it was for Moses. From the text, it sounds like Moses has a very good relationship with his father-in-law. Moses was so excited to tell him in person all that God had been doing for the Israelites.
You’ve had experiences like that, I’m sure. You tried a new restaurant or saw a great movie. There are certain people you just can’t wait to tell. For me, it’s my husband, David. I always love to share stuff with him. I’m sure he gets tired of all the words I use to tell a story, but that’s what we learn to do in marketing. Being a good storyteller will set me apart from those who just tell ho-hum stories.
Interesting that Moses had sent his wife and sons back home to live with Jethro. I totally understand he wanted them to be safe and comfortable. Wandering around in the desert was no place for an infant (as it sounds like his 2nd son was born after they were delivered from Pharaoh). What a family reunion that must have been! No phone or internet to announce their intentions.
As I understand it, Jethro was not an Israelite, but he did worship the true God. He affirms it with his statement, “Praise the Lord, for he has rescued you from the Egyptians and from Pharaoh. Yes, he has rescued Israel from the powerful hand of Egypt! I know now that the Lord is greater than all other gods, because he rescued his people from the oppression of the proud Egyptians.” All this without having seen it with his own eyes. What faith!
What do you do when you have unexpected house guests? Throw a party of celebration, of course! In this case, it involved a burnt offering and sacrifices to God as well. Even Aaron and all the leaders joined in for the sacrificial meal in God’s presence. I like how they emphasized that. As if there is somewhere that God is not present. Can you picture the scene?
Give thanks to God today for a victory he has won in your life (past or present).

Let’s pray. Lord, I give you thanks for my exodus from an abusive marriage. Looking back, I know it was you who gave me the strength when I was so weak and broken. Every step of the way you have guided me to a new future full of love, faithfulness, peace, and promise. You continue to amaze me with your provision. I look forward to what is to come. With you by my side, we can accomplish so much more. Use me God for your purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.