I loved Mordecai’s words, “Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this.” The decree for death of the Jews was rocking the community, but Esther hadn’t heard. What she did know came from reports that Mordecai was in mourning. Whatever could have happened? The queen must be beside herself because they were family. If Mordecai was so distressed, the news would surely not be good and would also affect Esther.
So Esther used her resources to find out what was troubling Mordecai. It was bad. Mordecai told her she needed to plead with the king and use her influence. But Esther was afraid because approaching the king without being summoned just wasn’t done. He hadn’t asked for her in weeks, so she was even more fearful. But she knew Mordecai was right.
Esther couldn’t do this alone. She needed some protection. Without mention of God, she asked that Mordecai gather all Jews to be fasting for 3 days and nights. Fasting was a spiritual discipline that Esther was going to use to show her devotion and reliance on God for his deliverance. She believed she needed God’s guidance and protection to do this mighty act to save the Jews. Yet, she was ready to die if that was what was to be.
Can you imagine having that much responsibility on your shoulders? Do you think it was God’s hand that put Esther in this place for such a time as this?
Remember, it was Haman’s anger at Mordecai’s disrespect that started this whole thing. Mordecai had really opened a can of worms when he refused to bow down to the man, Haman. Now his dear cousin was going to have to try and fix things. How do you think Mordecai felt? It’s probably why today’s reading begins with him tearing his clothes and wearing the burlap or sack cloth as it is also known. This signifies not only mourning but also repentance.
Take some time to imagine how Esther is feeling as she hears of the situation. Think also about Mordecai and how he must be feeling. Can you identify with either one of them because of an event in your own life?

Let’s pray. Lord, I cannot even fathom how it must have felt to be faced with such a dilemma. May I take heed from Esther’s example and always turn to you when I am afraid or unsure of how I’m supposed to accomplish something on my own. There are always going to be roadblocks. Help me to see past them and trust you to get me around them. Forgive me when I doubt. My doubts are focused inward when I should be embracing the power and wisdom you provide for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name. Amen.