Were you holding your breath as Esther approached the king? She had feared for her life. On the third day of the fast, Esther did as she had said she would. She broke the law and entered the inner court to see her husband without being summoned first. Her heart must have been thumping. Yet she knew her God was with her.
How relieved she must have been to see the welcoming smile on the king’s face. And when he spoke these words, I’m sure she just about melted onto the floor. “What do you want, Queen Esther? What is your request? I will give it to you, even if it is half the kingdom!” He clearly adored her. He seemed very glad to see her. Surprised perhaps, but glad.
You’ve probably heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, right? Or something like that anyway. How did Queen Esther’s plan begin? With a banquet she had prepared. But it wasn’t for the king alone, she wanted to invite Haman, too. Her approach was full of respect. “If it please the king…” How could he refuse?
The king eagerly played along and had Haman summoned for the meal. They joined in the meal, drinking wine, and then the king asked Esther what she “really” wanted. I suppose eating together wasn’t enough. He knew she was up to something.
Again, we see Esther being full of respect and dignity. She wanted to do this again, have a feast tomorrow. She promised she would explain it all then. Why do you think she wanted another opportunity? She had a captive audience now. Did that surprise you, too?
Sometimes we need to create a little curiosity to be effective. It’s like wrapping presents cleverly. The gift receiver is curious about what is inside based on the size, weight, shape of the wrapped gift. It creates curiosity. When we read stories, the chapter often ends with something left undone. The same goes for television shows nearing the end of a season. What happens when we are left hanging? We can’t wait for resolution. Our interest is piqued.
You can bet those men will be ready for the banquet tomorrow! Esther will have another day to prepare and to pray for God to intervene. While we see God at work in this story, my husband, David pointed out an interesting fact — nowhere is God’s name mentioned directly in the book of Esther. Yet God is all over this, wouldn’t you agree?
How about you? Do you live your life creating curiosity about God? Does your joy and zeal for life, that is, you love of God shine through? Do people wonder what is happening in your life that has given you so much peace? While it’s good for us to share verbally about our faith, the way we live our life also speaks volumes. It is often our actions that make a difference in the life of another, moreso than our words.
Another clever phrase (sorry for the expressions today), our “actions speak louder than words.” Here’s a quote I like from William J. Toms, “Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.” God can and will use us in many different ways to further his kingdom. We see how he is using Esther.
Take some time today to ask God how he will use you today.

Let’s pray. Lord, I do want to be that person that people look to because I’m shining with your light in my heart. I want them to wonder what it is about me that makes me smile so much. When they ask, may I boldly respond, it’s the love of Jesus in my heart. Thank you for all of the blessings you have given me. I am overflowing with gratitude at how I can see you working in my life. Continue to bless each step and each conversation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.