I absolutely love what Moses is saying here in verse 6. “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” I think that is more than just a message for the Israelites that day, and also to Joshua who would be taking over leadership. It is a promise to us as well.
I often pray for God to go ahead of me to prepare the way. In fact, it’s even one of the affirmations I use to get my day started. I can show up with confidence knowing God has gone ahead of me and prepared the way. There is a peace and assurance that comes with picturing God is already there waiting for me. I’ve used this, for example, before leading worship in church. Why? Because that is such an awesome responsibility. I don’t feel capable on my own strength and want to make sure my priorities are straight when I’m facilitating a group entering the presence of God together.
Moses didn’t just say this in verse 6. He repeated this thought of God going before us THREE times in today’s reading. The other thing that really hit me between the eyes was that Moses told us he was 120 years old at this moment. First of all, I don’t know that I’ve ever met someone over 100 years old. That also means that he was 80 years old, 40 years ago when he was used by God to rescue the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. Who am I (in my 50s) to complain about discomfort–imagine sleeping on the hard ground, handling people’s petty disputes, and climbing mountains to talk to God, all after age 80?! God was certainly with Moses!
God’s presence was with Moses, the Israelites, Joshua, and now us. Moses wrote down all of these instructions in a book that would go with the people and be kept by the priests. The Book of Instruction it was called. I’ve often wondered how it is that so many of the traditions and laws we read about here are still in practice today by the Jewish culture. So many years later. My answer is this Book of Instruction. It was to be read over and over again, every 7 years.
I know from attending some Jewish worship services how tradition is very important. Readings from history happen each time. It’s hard to forget something when you are reminded over and over again. When you revere such proclamations from God as holy, you are being obedient to God’s desires. We also have a book of instruction, the Bible, upon which we can rely and trust for all of life’s crucial decisions. How are you doing at being in tune with what the Bible teaches?
We can fill our minds with all sorts of head knowledge about God and the characters of faith in the Bible. When we actually take that knowledge, apply it to our lives, and seek an intimate relationship with the author of life, that’s when true freedom is experienced. When we trust God to go before us, to show the way, to help us understand, to be our light, to protect us and prepare the way, then we can find true peace. Nothing else matters. God is in control. We are not. The pressure is off us. We simply need to love, believe, and trust God.
Are you wrestling with this concept? Can you sense God’s leading in your life? Are you resisting his call? Maybe it feels like God is being silent in this moment. Be still. Listen. Trust. Thank God for going ahead of you.

Let’s pray… Lord, forgive me when I rush past you and try to do things on my own. Thank you for looking out for me, rescuing me when I stumble, loving me through my messiness. Thank you for going before me. Help me to find you and stay on the course you have laid before me. Use me to help others find you to help heal this broken world together. Give me the strength and ability to discern your will for me and to act upon it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.