Moses has been sharing God’s laws for many chapters, and now God says it’s time for Moses to die. It’s time for Joshua to be installed as the new leader. Joshua will be the one to usher the Israelites to their new homes. I wonder how Moses felt. Honored to be sure! God had chosen him to be a mighty prophet. Not many people have ever had a face to face relationship with God! The fact Moses wouldn’t see the promised land himself was a disappointment to be sure. But it is much more helpful to focus on the blessings rather than get caught up in the “what-ifs.”
God knew how it was all going to play out. He knew what was going to happen after the people got what they were promised. God said to Moses, “After you are gone, these people will begin to worship foreign gods, the gods of the land where they are going. They will abandon me and break my covenant that I have made with them.” After all that Moses had been telling them, warning them, it was unbelievable they would still stumble. Could Moses have almost felt relief that he no longer would be the one to scurry around picking up the pieces, trying to keep the people in line?
What’s striking is that God knows what is going to happen. He predicted how the people would stray from him. Having that knowledge ahead of time must make it all the more devastating. To be loved and worshiped in the moment, knowing full well that something drastic would change and the praise and adoration would be given to other gods. Ouch! I just thought of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem days before the people were chanting for his death.
What about events today. Do you think God knew ahead of time the evil that would take place on September 11th? Do you think God knew that COVID-19 would ravage the world? Did he know that we would move to Mexico and be involved with leading a mission church? It’s hard for our limited human brains to imagine such vast knowledge. God is the creator of all things. He is hugely powerful. It is beyond our comprehension. That’s why it’s so easy to be in awe of God.
Rather than lament our own weakness, let’s celebrate that our God gives us second chances, protects us, loves us, bestows his grace and mercy on us. We don’t deserve it. It would seem to be a lot easier to trust God when we can witness his greatness both present day and in the past. We might ask instead that God show us his perfect will for our lives.
In our next reading, we will see the song Moses writes. God has one more task for the 120 year old Moses. Moses’ final act of obedience will be to write a song to teach the children of Israel how to behave. I love that God is going to use a song. As a children’s ministry director, I would teach the children Bible verses by teaching them catchy little tunes or even full blown songs. I know the brain has an easier time learning with there are associations. A tune is a very effective way of creating an association. Have you ever tried to learn that way?
Take some time today to ask God to prepare the future for you. Dream big. Let God use you in mighty ways. He already knows you’ll be great!

Let’s pray. Lord, I feel empowered and free thanks to the assurance that you love me despite my own weakness. Fill me with the patience I need to wait on resolution to the circumstances that trouble me. I pray that you will shine through the darkness. Find my heart and make it clean. In Jesus’ name. Amen.