Read Luke 2:25-35
Can you imagine having received the message Simeon had, giving him the assurance he would see the Messiah before he died? Many had been waiting for the Messiah to come rescue them. It had been hundreds of years since the prophets had foretold a Messiah would come. In Simeon’s day, the Roman oppression was so great the people were anxiously awaiting the day their Messiah king would powerfully come to save them.
Simeon’s faith is commendable. Amidst the struggles of life under Roman control, and the natural aging process our bodies go through, Simeon never lost hope. He had faith in God’s promise. It seems as if his faith was the fuel that sustained Simeon through each day of waiting.
Simeon’s presence in the Temple the day Jesus was presented was no accident. Answered prayer took place when Simeon held the baby in his arms. What emotions do you think Simeon was feeling? I can imagine tears streaming down his face at the realization of God’s provision. Simeon declared, “He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!”
Now, imagine Mary and Joseph’s reaction to this stranger’s proclamation. All of a sudden, this old man began saying some pretty powerful things about their little boy. The text tells us the parents were amazed! God was clearly speaking prophecy through Simeon that day.
What faith and trust in God Simeon had! He is a great example for us as we approach the Christ child. We may not have eloquent words of wisdom spewing from our lips, but we can praise God with our own exuberance. We have so much to praise God for in our lives. Look around at all the blessings.
Simeon’s answered prayer was seeing the Messiah face to face, just as God had promised. We may not have seen Jesus in the flesh, yet, but we can rest in the assurance of his promise and wait for the glorious day of Jesus’ return. Will Jesus return in our lifetime to rescue his people from despair? Unless we have received a clear word on that from God, we can only cherish each day we’re given, drawing closer to God as we wait.

Let’s pray.
Lord, thank you for the faith you gave Simeon and the thrill he experienced at meeting Jesus that day. I am grateful for the faith you have given me to trust you and rely on your power as I wait for your promised return. Help my faith to grow deeper with each passing day. I trust you to provide for me as I serve you. Thank you for how you have gone before me and show me the way. Help me to keep my eyes on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.