December 22 🌟 Mary’s Visitor (Luke 1:26-38)

Read Luke 1:26-38

An angel visiting Mary

In a moment, Mary learned from her visitor (the angel) how her life, and ours, would be changed forever. As we prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming, both his birth and return, this passage will always be pivotal and precious.

Imagine a young bride-to-be caught up in the excitement of planning a wedding and starting a new life with the man of her dreams. Now in Mary’s time and culture, it’s not necessarily a given that she would be head over heels in love with her husband to be. But in my imagination of the scene, she was feeling a bit giddy for the big day. This visit from the angel would have been quite a game changer, leaving Mary with so much to ponder.

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December 9 🌟 Serve Without Fear (Luke 1:67-79)

Read Luke 1:67-79

Picture of one man washing another man's feet - depicting Jesus washing disciples feet

These are the beautiful words prophesied by Zechariah, father of John the Baptist. Picture the scene: Zechariah was finally able to speak after months of being unable. His son had just been born, and he had had an encounter earlier to know that this baby of his would become a great prophet of God.

Imagine how Zechariah was feeling as the Holy Spirit took over and spoke through him. If you’ve ever experienced the Holy Spirit speaking through you, then you know how delightful it is. There is almost a tingling when you realize that your words are suddenly not your own. Zechariah’s voice had been silent for so long, that this would be his first utterance is brilliant!

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December 5 🌟 Your Salvation is Near (Luke 21:25-36)

Read Luke 21:25-36

Woman walking into a tunnel with bright lights at the other end

If we were wondering what to look for, Jesus clears it up for us in today’s passage. As we are walking through Advent together, it’s easy to get caught up in the distractions of the Christmas season. Magnificent as Jesus’ birth was, that was only Jesus’ first coming. He is coming again, too!

When he does, he will bring our salvation. At last, we’ll have our ticket to live with God forever, forgiven, and free. It’s the hope we have in this promise that keeps us going when we feel burdened, fearful, or doomed.

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Luke 22:39-53 – Not My Will But Yours, God

Read Luke 22:39-53

Jesus praying with an angel holding him close

Jesus knew the cross was coming. He knew the agony that awaited Him. Keep that in mind as you read these words from Jesus’ final hours. You may even want to read the entire chapter for a richer understanding. Read the whole chapter here Luke 22.

What spoke to me today was how often we fall asleep like the disciples. How many times have we missed the message from God we were supposed to hear because we were too busy making our own plans. How many times have we fallen prey to the temptations of the world closing in around us?

Continue reading “Luke 22:39-53 – Not My Will But Yours, God”

Luke 2:1-20

Read Luke 2:1-20

Luke is one of the books of the Bible I’ve already walked through with you, but for today’s reading, I am bringing it back. This is a story you can never hear too many times. When God became one of us. He loved us that much.

So much focus is placed on the “holidays” these days. I think many have lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas. I’m as guilty as the next, wanting to make sure everyone’s gift is just perfect, that tree is decorated with all my favorite ornaments, etc. But amidst the craziness, there is a baby.  We remember this birth more than any other birth in history. As we should. This is the birth of a king. Our King, and he’s the Savior of the world. Continue reading “Luke 2:1-20”


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