Luke 20:1-8 – What Authority Rules You?

Read Luke 20:1-8

I admit it. I giggled a little when I read today’s passage. I loved Jesus’ response, or non-response! I loved his attitude, didn’t you? Now, I feel a little bad about it — these men were religious leaders demanding respect, and I giggled. I’m totally in Jesus’ camp here, and it makes me angry when they try to corner Jesus.

Jesus doesn’t let them take the upper hand. He is always in control. That is exactly what we learn and teach in our marketing business.  Always ask questions, because the person asking the questions is the one in charge. Jesus does just that and models it beautifully. He knew the perfect question to ask. Continue reading “Luke 20:1-8 – What Authority Rules You?”

Luke 19:41-48 – A Different Side of Jesus

Read Luke 19:41-48

We have been following Jesus’ steps through the book of Luke as he has been focused on his ultimate destiny in Jerusalem. In today’s reading, he arrives. But before he gets there, he sees Jerusalem off in the distance. You know that feeling when you’ve been traveling for a long distance and then you see it – your destination ahead. A bit of relief, some joy, realization that you are almost there!

As kids, my brother and I played a little game when we were going to visit our grandparents. We would look for the town’s water tower in the distance. Each time, it was such a cool moment when it finally came into view. I take that memory and think of Jesus coming up on Jerusalem. But for Jesus, this was bittersweet. Jerusalem, the holy city, the royal city, was the place where he would suffer and be killed. Let that sink in for just a moment. Continue reading “Luke 19:41-48 – A Different Side of Jesus”

Luke 19:28-40 – Triumphant Entry

Read Luke 19:28-40

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Jesus’ ministry had continued, and he had not been crucified? That could never have happened because Jesus was destined for the moment of his death and resurrection. But at this high point in his ministry, people were really getting into it and seeing him for who he was.

Word had spread about what Jesus was doing, how he was teaching, healing performing miracles, and not cowering to the religious leaders. The people were so hungry for this kind of leadership. Yet, they were also dreaming of a mighty king who would rescue them from their oppression. Jesus would rescue them but in a way they weren’t expecting. Continue reading “Luke 19:28-40 – Triumphant Entry”

Luke 19:11-27 – Are You Using Your Gifts?

Read Luke 19:11-27

This may be a wake up call for some of us. I found it interesting that Jesus used this as an illustration that the kingdom is not yet fully here. But the more I ponder and reflect, I see the correlation. Jesus wants us to think about how we act and respond to his gifting while we wait for his return. When he returns, the kingdom of God will be fully realized.

What else was strange to me is that he had ten servants but we only hear from three. I wonder why Luke used ten when the Matthew text used only three. Sometimes I get stuck on details that really don’t matter. I’m guessing if Jesus were to have told about the results of all ten, there would be varying degrees of success. Since the nobleman told them to invest it for him, I’m hoping none of the other servants disobeyed and hid their share. Continue reading “Luke 19:11-27 – Are You Using Your Gifts?”

Luke 19:1-10 – Zacchaeus

Read Luke 19:1-10

What a story! This has always been a favorite. I’m a little “vertically challenged” myself, so I can totally identify with Zacchaeus’ problem of seeing over the crowd. This is a familiar passage, in particular because of the song we sang as children – can’t help that running through my brain right now. If you’ve never heard it – take a listen HERE.

When I read this passage today I noted a couple things. First, Zacchaeus was searching out Jesus. We’re told this man was a chief tax collector, a “chief”, so probably in charge of a lot of other ruthless tax collectors in the area, and also very rich. When we think of the people following Jesus, we don’t often picture rich tax collectors. (Exception Matthew, a called disciple who left behind that line of work.) What was Zacchaeus’ motive? Why was he so anxious to see Jesus that day? He even climbed up a tree to see him! Continue reading “Luke 19:1-10 – Zacchaeus”


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