Luke 21:1-4 – Give Your All

Read Luke 21:1-4

She gave all she had. I don’t think that any of us can say that we gave our last dollar to the church. People have a hard time parting with their hard-earned cash. Unfortunately, giving to the local church is usually not people’s first expense either. There are bills to pay after all. It’s tragic that many don’t follow the Biblical example of first fruits.

I have never had anyone ever tell me that when they gave God first, and then paid the bills, they ever ran out of money. There is something marvelous about giving to God first. He knows our needs and will bless those who are obedient. But Jesus is talking about more than money here. Continue reading “Luke 21:1-4 – Give Your All”

Luke 20:41-47 – Jesus’ Turn

Read Luke 20:41-47

Do you ever reach a boiling point in your anger or frustration? What happens next? For some, a punching bag is a good alternative, for others, we stuff it inside. Jesus didn’t stuff it in today’s passage. If you’ve been following along with us on our walk through the Book of Luke, you’ve seen the pattern of the religious leaders trying to trick and trap Jesus, the King of Kings, with their questions. We should all recognize it wasn’t going to happen no matter what question they posed, or who they sent to pose it! Jesus would overcome!

Likewise, find your peace!

By today’s account, Jesus has had enough. He poses a question I’m sure left people scratching their heads. In written form, we see the difference between LORD and Lord. LORD is God, and Lord is Messiah, at least according to how David is writing and how Biblical text interpreted. Continue reading “Luke 20:41-47 – Jesus’ Turn”

Luke 20:27-40 – Whose Wife?

Read Luke 20:27-40

Now the Sadducees are taking a turn at Jesus. We are told the Sadducees aren’t believers of the resurrection. They also don’t believe in angels or future rewards and punishment. So they made this scenario especially over the top on purpose trying to stump Jesus. Again, Jesus answers with such dignity, poise and wisdom.

It’s probably not often that the Pharisees and Sadducees question individuals, so that alone is interesting. It is obvious they are curious about Jesus but at the same time fearful. They fear losing their control and position of authority. If they only realized how their authority is trumped a gazillion times by Jesus, the Son of God! They shouldn’t try to fight it, but then they were supposed to. There had to be a rivalry or some other intervention of evil to allow Jesus’ sinless body to hang on the cross. Continue reading “Luke 20:27-40 – Whose Wife?”

Luke 20:20-26 – What Does it Cost?

Read Luke 20:20-26

Do you ever feel a little sorry for the religious leaders in our story? We’ve been watching their growing frustration with Jesus. Today they resort to sending “spies” to try and trap Jesus. Perhaps if Jesus saw common looking “honest” folks asking the hard questions he would slip up. Never underestimate God and how he will use a situation.

Jesus didn’t miss a beat here. He was not fooled by the trick question. In fact, his response was perfect. Even the spies had to agree, I’m sure, that it was a masterful answer. As we are in the midst of tax season as I write this, Jesus’ response resonates even more. We pay tax to the country of our citizenship, which is not our country of residence.  Continue reading “Luke 20:20-26 – What Does it Cost?”

Luke 20:9-19 – Cornerstone

Read Luke 20:9-19

You may recall this parable was in Mark, one of the other books of the Bible we’ve walked through. I love it when Scripture confirms itself. There are a few differences, but there would be anytime different storytellers tell the same story. What is significant here is the religious leader’s response. They didn’t want to lose their authority with the people if they did to Jesus what they really wanted. That time would come soon enough. For now, they were people pleasers.

Jesus is brilliant in how he uses stories to call out the leaders. I’m not sure the people catch on, but the leaders sure see themselves in the story. So if they can see themselves as the wicked farmers, don’t they realize they are behaving badly? It’s all part of their delusion, I suppose. So how does this speak to us today? Continue reading “Luke 20:9-19 – Cornerstone”


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