Judges 9:22-57 – God Can Use It!

Read Judges 9:22-57

Words "Thy Will Be Done" with background of ocean shoreline

Jotham’s parable is a bit of a prophecy as we see in this reading. It wasn’t God’s plan for Abimelech to do what he did to his half-brothers and the reputation of his father. Abimelech did not have what God was looking for in a judge or rescue warrior for his people. God can see the hearts of his people as well as the strengths and gifts that were given.

Think about this. Even when things happen against God’s will for our lives, God can use it. We see that played out here. No angel appeared to Abimelech that we know of to inspire his action. So we can conclude that Abimelech was not chosen by God, and is not God’s will for Abimelech to be king. Jotham’s words not only comforted him but spoke wisdom. Abimelech would be destroyed before he could do more harm.

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Judges 9:7-21 – Jotham’s Parable

Read Judges 9:7-21

Gideon’s son, Jotham, the one who escaped the massacre of Abimelech, speaks wisdom here. We normally think of parables coming from Jesus, who used them to teach the people a hard-to-understand concept of faith. Jotham is also trying to bring understanding to the people of Shechem about what they have just done in allowing Abimelech to be king.

Jotham uses the images of trees. He doesn’t seem to believe that a king does very much when he says over and over, the kings “just to wave back and forth over the trees.” I picture the “wave” they teach beauty queens or other royalty.

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Judges 9:1-6 – Power Hungry

Read Judges 9:1-6

tiger head close up showing fangs
(this is a stuffed tiger by the way)

If we wondered in our last reading why only one of the 70 sons of Gideon, the one born to his concubine in Shechem, was mentioned, we now know the answer. The story is shifting, and Abimelech desires to make a name for himself. He is power hungry, in addition to feeling “less” than the others because he is the son of Gideon’s concubine and not one of the wives.

We already know the Israelites are in another period where they turn away from God. Now we see what evil is up to. Abimelech is a good example of how the abuse of power can be used to take over and control a situation.

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Judges 8:22-35 – The Lord Rules!

Read Judges 8:22-35

It would have been easy for Gideon to take credit for the success of his mission. The people certainly saw him as a leader they wanted to follow. But Gideon knew where his power had come from when he said this. “I will not rule over you, nor will my son. The Lord will rule over you!” I respect Gideon for that, don’t you?

I can think of several times in my life when it would have been very easy to take a bow and let the praise just come because of something I had accomplished. While I was the instrument God used, the fact remains that the accomplishment would not have been possible without God. It’s like he loves to be behind the scenes, making us look good. How we respond to God’s goodness speaks of our integrity.

Continue reading “Judges 8:22-35 – The Lord Rules!”

Judges 8:13-21 – Keeping Your Word

Read Judges 8:13-21

pinky promise between two young hands

Unsure how much time has passed when we read “after this,” but suffice it to say that Gideon remains true to his word. You’ll recall in our last reading that Gideon and his army were turned away by two towns until they could bring the two Midianite kings into custody.

I don’t think of Gideon as a gloating type, but he returned with the two kings in hand and was ready to make a statement. He had warned the leaders of these two towns what would happen to them for not helping him in their time of need. Gideon is going to make good on these promises. This will set a good example for his men.

Continue reading “Judges 8:13-21 – Keeping Your Word”

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