Genesis 33:1-20 – Reunion

Read Genesis 33:1-20

All for naught. How many times have you worked yourself up into a frenzy of worry for nothing? Think of all the energy you have spent thinking about how bad something might be. We see it here played out for us with Jacob. He was so consumed with concern over reuniting with his brother after all these years. But we can understand, can we not? After all, Jacob was nearly running for his life when he left his parent’s home all those years ago. Esau was furious with him for what he had done and spoke of killing his brother!

Despite having a good reason for his concern, Jacob let it consume him. What didn’t he do? Trust God. I have found in my life that worrying about things and letting them consume me is only wasting my time. Do I still worry and fall prey? Of course. This story is a good example for us to bring to mind when we catch ourselves in the trap of worry. It is a trap, wouldn’t you agree? Worrying does not change what is going to happen. Continue reading “Genesis 33:1-20 – Reunion”

Genesis 32:22-32 – Wrestle with God

Read Genesis 32:22-32

Have you ever wrestled with God? It could have been a situation where you wanted one thing yet you were feeling led by God in a different direction. What you should cherish is that you felt led by God. Many people long for that clarity in their life. They call on God,  are faithful, and yet do not hear God’s voice clearly over all the other distractions of life. Accordingly, we often make the wrong choice. But, God doesn’t make mistakes. So if he is leading, we should be following.

I have had times, more than I would like to admit, where I felt a bit lifeless and not fueled by God’s fire and direction. There were times when I was downright lost and feeling a bit separate from God. Looking back, I’m surprised he stayed as close to me as he did. There had to be a good reason for that. He knew there was so much more he had for me to do. Maybe you’re starting to realize that, too? Continue reading “Genesis 32:22-32 – Wrestle with God”

Genesis 32:3-21 – Peace Offering

Read Genesis 32:3-21

Jacob has been gone twenty years, yet that time has not softened Esau’s heart. An army of 400 men has joined Esau to come to meet Jacob. I think I would be a little terrified, too. So what does Jacob do? He separates his family and possessions into two camps. If Esau attacks, hopefully, the second family group can escape. It says “then” Jacob prayed. I think I would be praying the moment terror filled my heart.

How often does that happen to us? When something frightening or stressful comes into our life – do we exhaust ourselves and our abilities trying to solve it, or do we turn to God first? I am probably as guilty as Jacob a lot of the time. What will it take for us to have an automatic, knee-jerk reaction to cry out to God when the going gets tough? Continue reading “Genesis 32:3-21 – Peace Offering”

Genesis 31:22-32:2 – Play Nice

Read Genesis 31:22-32:2

I don’t care how shrewd Laban may be, his daughters and grandchildren had vanished. There was no other choice but to set off in pursuit. As the days passed trying to catch up to them, imagine how his anger was brewing. What had started as concern over a secret departure had now escalated to anger. We see God intervene once again to protect Jacob.

What did you think of the whole negotiation? Both men were surely stubborn and aggressive. Yet there was no bloodshed. In fact, they played rather nice as they devised a treaty that would protect both of them. I don’t know about you, but I sure held my breath when it came to finding the gods Rachel had taken. Jacob’s sentence of death to the one who took them would have crushed him had they found the truth and followed through. Rachel was thankfully a couple of steps ahead in her plan. Continue reading “Genesis 31:22-32:2 – Play Nice”

Genesis 31:1-21 – Let’s Go!

Read Genesis 31:1-21

I was a little surprised that Jacob just up and left Laban as he did. Thankfully, his wives did not protest. In fact, they seemed happy to go. They didn’t even ask for a chance to say farewell to their father. Yet, Rachel took something belonging to her father. Why do you suppose she did that? According to my study Bible notes, household gods were often consulted for advice, and from a legal standpoint would signify the one to receive the greatest inheritance. What was Rachel up to?  Continue reading “Genesis 31:1-21 – Let’s Go!”


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