All for naught. How many times have you worked yourself up into a frenzy of worry for nothing? Think of all the energy you have spent thinking about how bad something might be. We see it here played out for us with Jacob. He was so consumed with concern over reuniting with his brother after all these years. But we can understand, can we not? After all, Jacob was nearly running for his life when he left his parent’s home all those years ago. Esau was furious with him for what he had done and spoke of killing his brother!
Despite having a good reason for his concern, Jacob let it consume him. What didn’t he do? Trust God. I have found in my life that worrying about things and letting them consume me is only wasting my time. Do I still worry and fall prey? Of course. This story is a good example for us to bring to mind when we catch ourselves in the trap of worry. It is a trap, wouldn’t you agree? Worrying does not change what is going to happen. Continue reading “Genesis 33:1-20 – Reunion”