Genesis 30:25-43 – Become Wealthy

Read Genesis 30:25-43

There are some interesting dynamics in the story today. Why was it that Jacob needed to be “released” from Laban? It sounds like he was a prisoner without the freedom to come and go. I suppose when you marry both daughters, you may need to ask for permission. Shouldn’t that have been taken care of long ago?

We do have more bargaining going on. Laban is crediting his prosperity to having Jacob around, so that explains why he doesn’t want Jacob to leave. He is willing to pay a good price to keep him around. Jacob comes up with an alternative. He is thinking with the wealth mindset and not the poverty mindset. If stuck in the poverty mindset, he would have accepted the status quo. But Jacob had his sights on going back home and showing his family how successful he was. He was thinking outside the box of ways to accomplish that.

The idea of taking only the spotted and streaked animals was brilliant. Jacob had figured out a way to make it happen. We might want to give God the credit for this, however. I don’t believe putting the streaked fronds in front of the animals had anything to do with it. Yet Jacob was thinking with his businessman hat on when he made the deal with Laban. Then, sneaky Laban had his sons take all the spotted and streaked animals far away from Jacob. Now Jacob was starting his own herd fresh using only the pure animals. All the more of a miracle God worked here.

Jacob’s flocks were growing quickly with strong animals. He was bound and determined to get home to his family. He wanted them to meet his wives and children. So much time had passed. We aren’t told if there had ever been any visits, but we do know there was no mail or phone service to stay connected.

When we don’t let our circumstances control and limit us, we have a growth mindset and success follows. Jacob gave us a good model of how to be resourceful to make something happen. In Jacob’s case, he had God working with him. Even if it doesn’t seem that Jacob is a holy man, God is there. God’s promise to Abraham would not be broken. If only Jacob would acknowledge God more and give him the credit for all his blessing and wealth.

How are you at giving God the credit for your success? He has given you the mind and decision making capabilities to secure a future of abundance. How we use what God has given us is our choice. Are you using God’s provision to create abundance or want? Is your heart full of thanks and gratefulness for all God is doing in your life? Take a moment to reflect on God’s grace and your response.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for all of the provision you have given me in my life. As I look back I can see your hand at work even when I didn’t see it. Help me now to live in gratefulness for the abundance you have planned for me. May I reach for it and accept it making the decisions you inspire. Don’t let me allow a good situation to pass me by because of my blindness. Open my eyes and help me to see with clarity the path set before me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Genesis 29:31-30:24 – What a Deal!

Read Genesis 29:31-30:24

Jacob had it made.  He had a couple of wives and added a few more during today’s story. How many men would think that was a pretty great deal.  Realistically – exhausting, and think of the drama. Yet I’m sure the girls kept it away from Jacob as he was busy in the fields with the flocks. Presumably.

Having multiple wives is not a common practice in our society today. However, I understand some cultures and communities do practice this polygamy. When we see a story like this in the Bible we are often quick to want to say it must be “okay” behavior. Personally, for me, I would not be accepting of this type of arrangement. I don’t believe it’s what God intends for us. Continue reading “Genesis 29:31-30:24 – What a Deal!”

Genesis 29:1-30 – New Beginnings

Read Genesis 29:1-30

Jacob has arrived at his uncle’s place. I had forgotten that Rachel was a shepherd. I suppose it makes sense because her father would want a family member in charge of his flocks. We don’t hear about a son in this story. So many new things for Jacob to experience, including the custom about watering the flocks.

From what we hear, it sounds like it was love at first sight. Rachel was the first one of the family Jacob met, and when asked, she was the one he wanted for his bride. How do you think Leah felt about that? I don’t have a sister, but I know there can be an unspoken rivalry between sisters. It could be that the sparkle wasn’t there in Leah’s eyes because for her whole life she had been in the shadow of Rachel. We are all different, and some people are just not vivacious. The world would be a totally different place if everyone had to be in the spotlight.  Continue reading “Genesis 29:1-30 – New Beginnings”

Genesis 28-10-22 – Bargain With God

Read Genesis 28:10-22

The iconic song, “Stairway to Heaven” made popular in the 1970s by Led Zeppelin, has absolutely nothing to do with this passage. But, if you’re like me, you think of it when you picture Jacob’s dream.  It can be a helpful image to picture God and angels descending from heaven to earth on a regular basis to help us, watch over us, guide us.

Jacob’s dream was his opportunity to meet God face to face. He had grown up seeing his faithful father and hearing of his faithful grandfather. He has now heard from God firsthand that this land would be his. What a comfort knowing God would be with him, protecting him until what was promised was fulfilled. We, too, have that assurance that God is with us. Continue reading “Genesis 28-10-22 – Bargain With God”

Genesis 27:41-28:9 – Away from Home

Read Genesis 27:41-28:9

Can you remember the first time you left home by yourself? Maybe it was for college, maybe a week at camp, maybe to travel the world. When we leave what is familiar, it can be hard on the one hand, but exhilarating on the other, especially if you like an adventure. Jacob was about to leave what was familiar so he could be safe. He was also on a mission to find the wife to help him live out his legacy, God’s promise to Abraham, his grandfather.

Jacob wasn’t venturing out into the unknown. He was going to his Uncle Laban’s house to find a bride. Do you ever get lost in all of the family dynamics here? Sometimes I have to draw it out or picture it in my head. Laban was his mother’s brother. We hear later in our reading how Esau goes to Uncle Ishmael’s house for a bride. Ishmael is his father’s half-brother. Cousins in marriage, we don’t see it much today but it does still happen. It hasn’t been that long ago that it was more of a common occurrence. Continue reading “Genesis 27:41-28:9 – Away from Home”


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