Genesis 27:1-40

Read Genesis 27:1-40

I don’t know how I feel about this passage. I try to give Jacob the benefit of the doubt because he is only being obedient to his mother’s wishes. Yet, he is the one going through the motions and not being truthful. Is there no shame? Did the blessing he received nullify his feeling guilty over how he got it? The one saving grace is the message Rebekah had gotten from God before the boys were even born.

I suppose Rebekah felt it was her duty to make sure God’s prophecy came true. How else would her younger, favorite son get the blessing and be in charge of the others brothers? Even though only a few minutes younger, he was still younger. God had intended Jacob to be the one to carry the family legacy so it would seem. But for that to happen Isaac had to be deceived. Continue reading “Genesis 27:1-40”

Genesis 26:26-35 – Be Noticed

Read Genesis 26:26-35

What is your take away from today’s reading? Isaac was minding his own business, and yet the Philistine King paid him a visit. Why? Isaac had gotten noticed. His faithfulness to God and God’s blessing was obvious. King Abimelech felt threatened by the potential power Isaac would have with all this good fortune. He had to see for himself and make sure Isaac was not already plotting against him.

What do people notice about you? Do they see you as faithful, blessed with abundance, happy, content, in love with God? We are called to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. That pretty much covers it. Most of us are content to stay under the radar and be quietly obedient. But what about touching more people by being more visible? Continue reading “Genesis 26:26-35 – Be Noticed”

Genesis 26:12-25 – Keeping the Peace

Read Genesis 26:12-25

Have you ever had to bite your tongue to hold yourself back from saying something that was not helpful? Maybe you have had a time in your life when you had to look the other way just to keep the peace. Isaac gives us a great example here of how you can really choose your battles.

As I understand it, the area we are talking about, Gerar, is nearly desert. Water would be a precious commodity. And, the whole idea of wells being filled in with dirt, that would be an act of war. Yet, Isaac didn’t declare war on the Philistines. He just dug another well. He was prospering and he didn’t want to jeopardize that. His heart was not full of animosity or hatred. He calmly moved on. How did he control his anger? Continue reading “Genesis 26:12-25 – Keeping the Peace”

Genesis 26-1-11 – Like Father Like Son

Read Genesis 26:1-11

It’s like deja vu, isn’t it? The names have been changed, but the story is similar. There is a drought. We have a husband and wife pretending to be brother and sister. The king of the Philistines is also present. Interesting, the King Abimelech in this story is not the same one who had dealings with Isaac’s father, Abraham. It is believed Abimelech may have been more of a kingly title.

In any event, Isaac and Rebekah are caught fooling around, something brothers and sisters obviously don’t do. Abimelech was angry because Rebekah could have been taken advantage of, and that would mean a great sin on the part of the Philistine people. Curious that he continued on to protect both Isaac and Rebekah by proclaiming no harm to either of them. Continue reading “Genesis 26-1-11 – Like Father Like Son”

Genesis 25:27-34 – Proper Perspective

Read Genesis 25:27-34

We get a glimpse into the nature of the twins today. Interesting how each parent felt a particular connection to one of the boys. We hear that Isaac’s love was in part due to Esau’s great skill at hunting and all the good meat he would bring home. While Rebekah enjoyed having Jacob near her, working with her around the house. As a parent, I can say that I don’t prefer one child over the other. I have enough love for all. But there are certain things I prefer in each of them. It’s how God gifted them, to be unique, and that is a beautiful thing.

But the lesson I heard here went deeper into their character descriptions. Esau let his hunger overtake his good sense. He was more interested in getting some food in his belly then realizing the sacrifice he had made in giving Jacob his birthright. It’s curious to me why Jacob would be so intent on that. He must have realized that his father preferred Esau, and for his future to be protected he would need to intervene. Continue reading “Genesis 25:27-34 – Proper Perspective”


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