Genesis 26:26-35 – Be Noticed

Read Genesis 26:26-35

What is your take away from today’s reading? Isaac was minding his own business, and yet the Philistine King paid him a visit. Why? Isaac had gotten noticed. His faithfulness to God and God’s blessing was obvious. King Abimelech felt threatened by the potential power Isaac would have with all this good fortune. He had to see for himself and make sure Isaac was not already plotting against him.

What do people notice about you? Do they see you as faithful, blessed with abundance, happy, content, in love with God? We are called to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. That pretty much covers it. Most of us are content to stay under the radar and be quietly obedient. But what about touching more people by being more visible?

I also like how the King comes to settle issues he has had with Isaac. You will remember the water issues from our previous entry. This treaty they made sealed the deal that neither would harm the other. Isaac could have objected and said, but yes – we have had trouble from you, but he didn’t. He even threw a wonderful feast to memorialize the treaty. We have some closure to issues Isaac may have had with the Philistines. He, too, now has protection.

The story quickly shifts in the last two verses to talk about Esau’s brides and how they are not working out for Isaac and Rebekah. You will remember Abraham was very firm that his own son, Isaac, would not marry a local girl. Here, Isaac’s oldest son has married two! What do you think it means when we read these women “made life miserable” for Esau’s parents? Had Esau intentionally married local women? Did he know that having them in the household would be disruptive?

Perhaps Esau’s parents were just disappointed because they wanted more for their son than that. Don’t we feel that way at times with our own kids? We have such great dreams for what our children would become. As they get older and choose their own way, we are often left scratching our head. How did that happen?

Think of how God feels when we go our wayward way. He has such a beautiful plan for our lives, and yet he gives us the decision making power. We can fulfill God’s dreams for us (if we knew what they were) or go our own direction. I am striving to get back on track with the life of abundance God has intended for me from the start.

Take some time to ask God what changes he would like you to make to get back on the course he intends for you. Be noticed for being a child of God.

Let’s pray. Lord God, I come to you and give you praise for how you provide for me. Lest I never forget your great mercy. Being forgiven and free is quite a blessing. Continue to mold my heart to fit in the plan you have for me. Open my eyes so that I can see as you see and be ready to reach out and help those in need. Thank you for giving me a positive mind that finds good in all situations. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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