Jacob has arrived at his uncle’s place. I had forgotten that Rachel was a shepherd. I suppose it makes sense because her father would want a family member in charge of his flocks. We don’t hear about a son in this story. So many new things for Jacob to experience, including the custom about watering the flocks.
From what we hear, it sounds like it was love at first sight. Rachel was the first one of the family Jacob met, and when asked, she was the one he wanted for his bride. How do you think Leah felt about that? I don’t have a sister, but I know there can be an unspoken rivalry between sisters. It could be that the sparkle wasn’t there in Leah’s eyes because for her whole life she had been in the shadow of Rachel. We are all different, and some people are just not vivacious. The world would be a totally different place if everyone had to be in the spotlight.
Yet, Jacob was angry at the deception. He had a good thing going with his Uncle Laban. God was with Jacob, blessing everything he touched. Jacob didn’t have to wait long to have Rachel as his wife, too. The mention of their maids will come into play later in the story. Jacob must have been a good worker, too, because his uncle engaged him for another seven years after giving him Rachel as bride number two.
How happy that must have made Laban to know that both of his daughters would have a good life with a good man.
There is the old saying, “good things come to those who wait.” Not sure where this originated, but a quick google search reminded me that Heinz used it in a slogan campaign for their ketchup back in the 1980s. Being patient and working hard will pay off if we are focused on the right thing. Jacob knew what he wanted. The seven years sped by for him the passage says. I know how time seems to speed by as I am patiently standing by waiting for God to work in my life.
Are you facing any new beginnings in your life? Are you waiting for God to show you your new path? We can’t lose hope. We need to stay the course. Ask for patience along the way.
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for each new experience you have given me. Sometimes entering into the unknown is difficult, but when I can rely on you and your strength it is much easier. Help me always put my trust in you because I know you are there for me. Help me today with patience as I wait for your new assignment. I trust you are working all things out and your timing is perfect. In Jesus’ name. Amen.