I was a little surprised that Jacob just up and left Laban as he did. Thankfully, his wives did not protest. In fact, they seemed happy to go. They didn’t even ask for a chance to say farewell to their father. Yet, Rachel took something belonging to her father. Why do you suppose she did that? According to my study Bible notes, household gods were often consulted for advice, and from a legal standpoint would signify the one to receive the greatest inheritance. What was Rachel up to?
I don’t get the impression that Jacob is all that strongly focused on God, other than to acknowledge God as belonging to his father and grandfather. Yet, he listens when God visits him and tells him to leave. Jacob also recognizes it has been God’s hand at work in setting up his payment. Despite Laban’s attempts to change the terms, God steps in and prevails.
We have that same God looking out for us. He intervenes when necessary. We may look around and wonder what’s happening — why are things not going the way we expect? We have to remember our expectations may not be in line with what God wants for us. When things fall nicely into place, you know you are on the right track.
So what about all of the struggles we face? Does God allow those to happen? That’s a question we need to ask God to reconcile in our hearts. How I see it, right, wrong or otherwise, God does allow evil to exist in the world only to the extent we can be shaped and realize our need for a Savior. When we are blind to how much we need God, we are often reminded by events and circumstances that are less than desirable.
What saddens me, however, is how many people these days refer to the “universe” as being responsible for straightening everything out. No. God created the universe It is God who does the straightening. The universe is just another one of God’s amazing creations. It has no more power by itself without God than an ant. If you haven’t seen a tiny ant move a big piece of something from one place to another, you haven’t seen the beauty of God’s power. He even cares for the ants!
Rachel and Leah recognized that when God says go, you go. They have been witness to the blessings Jacob has been given. Despite their father’s squandering and manipulation, God always prevailed. There must have been a bit of excitement brewing to go to a new place and meet Jacob’s family at long last. We need to have that same expectation of how God is going to work in our lives. We need to be ready to “GO” when he says go!
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for directing my life. I know that I have placed my own limitations on myself, and I am working to break those down. With your help and guidance, I will be able to achieve more of the life you have intended for me. I don’t want to have any regrets that I didn’t do what you wanted me to do. I don’t want to leave your gifts unopened and unused. Help me to clear away my own selfish ambition and begin to look at life through your eyes. There is so much potential for growth and sharing with others at my fingertips. I’m ready to go, God, let’s do this! In Jesus’ name. Amen.