Genesis 37:1-11 – The Favorite

Read Genesis 37:1-11

Did you grow up with brothers and sisters? Did you ever feel like they were the favorite? I would say at times I did. I was the oldest and that always has its own perks. Yet, I was good at testing the waters and trying to stay out of trouble while doing it. I wasn’t always successful and my younger brother was able to learn from my mistakes. He seemed to get all the breaks that I always hoped for.

We all have different family dynamics, and in today’s reading, we see that Joseph, while not the youngest, is seemingly the favorite. The text comes right out and says that Joseph was Jacob’s favorite. I have tried not to have favorites between our children. For me, I have a favorite child to cook with, to watch a football game with, to play music with, and to go shopping with. But overall, no favorites. I love them all equally. Continue reading “Genesis 37:1-11 – The Favorite”

Genesis 36:1-43 – God’s Family

Read Genesis 36:1-43

I’ve never really been a fan of reading through genealogies in the Bible, and yet tracing my own family history has been intriguing. In fact, in my college freshman J-term, I took a course in it. My maternal grandmother had done a lot of the work on that side of the family already, so I was able to build on that and compile other data as well. It was fascinating, and it will help the generations to come to know who they are related to. In fact, on my father’s side, we would have reunions every 5 years of the relatives related to the original couple that came to the U.S. from Norway. We often had hundreds of cousins gathered for what has now turned into a weekend event! Continue reading “Genesis 36:1-43 – God’s Family”

Genesis 35:16-29 – Saying Goodbye

Read Genesis 35:16-29

Jacob lost two of his loved ones in today’s short reading. And, we see that Jacob’s oldest son, Reuben sinned against him by sleeping with Jacob’s concubine, the mother to two of his brothers. Interesting family dynamic to be sure. Not a lot of emphasis was placed on this act, but be watching for consequences down the road.

This is a good reminder to us that our sinful behavior has consequences. We may not see them at the time and feel like we have “gotten away” with something. It’s better to seek forgiveness for our sins. The problem is sometimes we are oblivious to our sinfulness. We are in denial of our own wrongdoings.  Continue reading “Genesis 35:16-29 – Saying Goodbye”

Genesis 35:1-15 – Rid Yourself of Idols

Read Genesis 35:1-15

Having just had a family crisis, it was time for Jacob to move his family. God told them where. Following the defilement comes purification. It was time for the idols to go. Jacob didn’t want his family and household to have any reminders of pagan gods or good luck charms to distract. It was time to focus on God alone.

We might find ourselves surrounded by idols. When you hear that word, what do you envision? An idol is anything that keeps us from seeing God as most important. It might be money, power, sports, work, tangible objects. In today’s reading, even earrings were turned in. They were often worn as good luck charms. Continue reading “Genesis 35:1-15 – Rid Yourself of Idols”

Genesis 34:1-31 – Revenge

Read Genesis 34:1-31

It’s not often we hear of a rapist falling in love and wanting to marry his victim. One thing is for sure, Dinah’s brothers were very protective of her and her reputation. I was a little surprised though in their deceitful behavior.

There is not a lot of positive to be learned from this passage. It started with the disgraceful behavior of Shechem and ended with the deceitful actions of the brothers, death and plundering the town. Jacob’s clan didn’t need wealth and riches, yet they took more anyway. Jacob was not happy with his sons. Continue reading “Genesis 34:1-31 – Revenge”


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