Having just had a family crisis, it was time for Jacob to move his family. God told them where. Following the defilement comes purification. It was time for the idols to go. Jacob didn’t want his family and household to have any reminders of pagan gods or good luck charms to distract. It was time to focus on God alone.
We might find ourselves surrounded by idols. When you hear that word, what do you envision? An idol is anything that keeps us from seeing God as most important. It might be money, power, sports, work, tangible objects. In today’s reading, even earrings were turned in. They were often worn as good luck charms.
It is because of God’s mercy and love that we can prevail through any storm; we need to be better at trusting. As followers of Christ, we are not promised a trouble-free life. But, we are promised we will never be alone. We don’t need to navigate through the waters of life by ourselves. We have a companion that never leaves our side. Why do we sometimes feel abandoned and alone?
In our story today, Jacob is reminded by God that his name was changed to Israel. Jacob’s name implies a much bigger role in staying faithful and being guided by God. To memorialize this visit from the Almighty, Jacob anoints a pillar with the finest oil and wine.
Have you had a visit from God? Has he spoken to you with wisdom for your life? If you haven’t had a particular moment you can recall, you can be sure God is speaking to you through the truths of Scripture. When he reveals himself to you in his Word, there is a special “aha moment” that you should pay attention to.
I’ve noticed that as we are walking through the books of the Bible together there are parts I don’t remember at all. It’s like they are brand new. When I encounter something like that, I take a moment to reflect on the message God may have for me with that realization. It’s a beautiful thing to read a book (the Bible) over and over and still feel like it’s a new read each time.
Take some time today to look around and see what idols you have that may be controlling your life or keeping you from seeing God as clearly as you should. Don’t let them distract you. Remove them and rejoice in the freedom you feel to be able to devote yourself to God.
Let’s pray. Lord, you are a mighty and all-knowing God. Forgive me when I focus on the wrong things and miss out on all the opportunities you have for me. Help me let go of the idols I am clinging to so I can be cleansed and purified. Make me aware of what those idols are. I rejoice in the truth that you are always with me. I need not be afraid or unsure. May I call on your name and ask for your power to sustain me and lead me. Make my path clear this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.