Acts 11:1-18 – Get Out of God’s Way

Read Acts 11:1-8

I absolutely love what Peter says to his friends who were criticizing him for his actions, “who was I to stand in God’s way?” Peter and those who accompanied him had been part of a new reality. The realization that God was a very big God and gives the privilege of salvation to more than just the Jewish Christians. It’s like opening up a new market in business. More people to talk to. More people to bring into God’s family.

Imagine the thrill Peter had course through him when the same Holy Spirit he knew began blessing these Gentiles. He was seeing his commission come to life. They were being baptized with the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had said. 

I was also surprised by how quickly word spread of what had happened in Caesarea. They say “bad news travels fast.” In this case, I think the assumption was it was “bad” because it was breaking long established “rules,” when indeed it was terrific news, once explained. When the apostles understood it wasn’t bad news at all, what was their response? They praised God!

Do we sometimes have the same situations confuse us? Maybe we hear about something happening around us and focus on the negative. There is always a positive twist to our situation.  If that doesn’t seem possible, then know that God is in the  mess with you, you are not alone. He is working to help you break free of the chains that are binding you.

Sometimes we hold tightly to our chains and fear breaking free. I know that sounds absurd, but sometimes we are more comfortable in our pain. The idea of freedom can often cripple us because of our fear of the unknown. We know, or should know, that God does not want for us to suffer. If he is allowing the suffering, he is also providing the way out. We just need to get out of his way and let him act.

The evil one can put so many false ideas in our heads. Those untruths can become what we rely on as reality. The longer we allow Satan to have a stronghold on us, the harder it is for us to see God is standing beside us with our life preserver. This may sound simple, but it’s not easy. Overcoming the world for our freedom in Christ is not easy. We can come up with so many excuses and doubts. Where do you think those come from?

Spend some time today picturing where you want to be. Ask God to take you there. Then take the first step and begin to trust. You may need to do this exercise many times during your day. That’s okay. You are working on getting out of the way so that God can work.

As we prepare for our prayer time, here are two great songs, both titled “Empty Me” but each uniquely different. Let me know which resonates most with you today.  Chris Sligh’s “Empty Me.” Listen HERE. Jeremy Camp’s, “Empty Me”. Listen HERE.

Let’s pray. Forgive me for my controlling nature. May I empty myself of me so that you can have free reign in my life. I put my trust in you, Lord. Fill me with your Spirit and guide me this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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