Peter had come a long way from the moment of his vision when God presented him with the unclean food to eat. Despite his hunger at the time, you’ll recall he was waiting on his noon meal to be prepared, he refused to eat the unclean food. Now he was in the home of someone he would not have associated with. God had given him the assurance that this was a good thing. Peter was ready to share. This is why he came to this place. How ready are you?
Peter declares, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.” There is so much truth and wisdom in this statement. It rings true for us today. God does not have favorites. God is fair. God does not exclude anyone, it is us who separate from him. God stands by patiently waiting for his children to return to him.
Next, Peter begins to tell Cornelius and his household about Jesus. Cornelius and his family were already a God-fearers, meaning non-Jews who believed in God. They needed to hear about Jesus. Who better than the eyewitnesses who had been with Jesus before and after his resurrection. The God we see revealed here is a loving God, not one who only loves Jews. God was making a statement here that ALL are welcome and loved by him.
Lest there be any question at all, God’s anointing of the Holy Spirit fell on this household. It was nothing Peter or the others did to call on the Spirit. It was what God wanted. Even before they were baptized, the Holy Spirit came and filled them with the gift of tongues. The Jews were amazed. God left no room for them to feel superior. His Spirit came on these Gentiles in the same way he had come to the apostles.
Proclaiming the Gospel is what we do as our part. It is then the Holy Spirit working in those who hear to move them to action. As we have seen here, it is God who moves to prepare us for our mission, for our encounters. What is he preparing in you right now? Make sure you are watching and waiting for him so you don’t miss out on an opportunity to serve or be used by God.
Let’s pray. Lord you are at work behind the scenes of my life and that excites me. When I think of the work you have for me to do, I am humbled. I have the assurance that you prepare me for this, and there is nothing I can’t handle with you by my side. Forgive me when I have the “me” attitude that keeps my focus inward. May I fix my eyes on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.