Job 37:14-24 – Reverence

artistic depiction of robed holy people following each other in a row

Read Job 37:14-24

Now Elihu gets personal with Job. I was a little surprised by his tone. It’s like Elihu is corning Job with those questions asking about how God does what he does. None of us has a clue about “how” God does anything. The fact that God is crazy about us and loves us should boggle any mind. Our own feeble minds can’t begin to fathom the supremeness of God.

Were those unfair questions to Job? They seemed a little odd and out of the blue. I’m not sure where Elihu is taking his rant anymore. It seems like his focus on God’s power has now shifted. It’s as if Elihu thinks Job has some special knowledge or “in” with God.

People will try to put limits on God because of our own limited thinking. We can’t begin to think big enough to understand God and his ways. It’s neat that Elihu was thinking of God in a friendly, accessible sort of way. We know the honor and privilege of being able to be in conversation with our Father God.

Jesus put flesh on his divineness and became our friend, too. If only Job and Elihu would have known Jesus. How much different these laments and rants would sound, don’t you think? Jesus opened up the doors to heaven making God more accessible to us than before.

Elihu does make this observation about how God is received by people in his day. “No wonder people everywhere fear him. All who are wise show him reverence.” There’s a lot of truth in that statement. Today, I don’t see as much, if any, fear in how people are behaving. Although, I do know some very wise men who stand on Biblical truth. So, I will do the same. That’s one of best ways to show reverence to God, in my opinion.

What a great word “reverence” is. At least for me, I get a full feeling inside, and usually need to take in a deep breath, to fully focus my mind on acting out that word to honor God. Take some time today to be in reverent worship to our king Jesus.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, give me the strength and focus to be living in your will in every moment. Forgive me for those times when I fall short and act in non-pleasing ways. May I live my life in reverent awe of you. Use me and my words, my music, and my life. May I be an honorable reflection of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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