Psalm 89 – It’s All God’s

Read Psalm 89

This is a long psalm, one not credited to David. There are a lot of gems in this psalm as it praises God and tells of His promises. So that we can focus on God’s goodness, because it would be easy to get distracted with what happens her in the later verses. I’m going to pick one of those “gems” and focus on that today. You may have a different gem, and I would encourage you to write out your thoughts and feelings, too.

Verse 11 is what does it for me today. The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.” 

That is sobering, isn’t it? In this world of commercialism and greed, there is always a rush to get more. To have so much stuff, new stuff to upgrade the old, old stuff to reminiscence the past, colorful stuff to decorate and make our homes welcoming. Just look around at all the stuff. Who does it belong to? Really? The sooner we realize that and accept it, the better.

This whole idea was first brought home for me during a financial seminar years ago. We are only the “keepers” of the stuff, God’s stuff, all of it, and we need to be asking, “are we being good stewards? Have we lost our focus?” We need to focus on God and give him the praise and adoration he deserves.  We also need to give him thanks for all the stuff he lets us have and use.

More recently, as we got ready for our move to Mexico, we got to see up close and personal all the stuff we had accumulated over the years.  I was amazed at how memories came flooding down at the sight of these things that had been boxed up for years.  Many, many trips to the Goodwill, to other charities, and consignment shops. I just had to let go of that “stuff” and pray that the new caretakers would be good stewards and find enjoyment.

It’s all God’s.  We are his, too.  Are we taking good care of ourselves? Is our relationship with God healthy or distant. Are we lukewarm or on fire for him? I want to rejoice all day long!

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I focus on stuff and not enough on you. Help me be a good steward of all that you have entrusted to me. Give me the eyes to see need so I may share your blessings with others. May there be a song on my lips and praise in my step every moment of my day. Before ALL else, may you be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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