Colossians 1:1-14 – Redeemed!

Read Colossians 1:1-14

Before starting Book 4 of the Psalms with the next up psalm, Psalm 90, I thought we’d take a diversion to the New Testament.  We’ll walk together through the Book of Colossians and let the words of Paul encourage us!

I love the opening greeting of each epistle (letter). Colossians is especially awesome.  Paul is such a great encourager, isn’t he?  God used him in such amazing ways to grow his church in those early days.  Oh-to be more like Paul in that regard!!  

The prayer in verse 9 is what really spoke to me today. That God would give us all COMPLETE knowledge of his will. What a blessing to have spiritual wisdom so we can please and honor God in all things. All we have to do is ask. How many of us forget to ask? Or perhaps many of us are either afraid to listen or too busy to listen?  

I think that if we all did a better job of asking God and listening to Him, the world would look so much different. So, how do we get the message out? How do we let people know the answers, the wisdom, and God’s will for our lives is here? God is ready to reveal himself!

Are you like me? I struggle with knowing what God’s Will is for me, and I hope that I am living in it. So many times over my life I have gone astray and been separated from God, by my own doing. I always knew he was there, and he was, watching over me, waiting for me to look in his direction. He never pressured me. He never begged me. He just waited. Patiently waited. Oh how that makes my heart overflow. He waited. He watched.  

Now it’s my turn.  I need to be waiting and watching for him and Jesus return. What else does God want from me? How can I make a difference? I need to empty myself of me so I can be more filled with him. That is my prayer today.  

Let’s pray.  Father, empty me of me so I can be filled up with you. Give me assurance that I am doing what you have made me to do. Help me bless those around me, and use me for your purpose. Thank you for the strength and power you share with me to give me the endurance for each day. Fill me anew with your joy. My heart is grateful for the inheritance you have promised me. Help me not keep it all to myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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