As we read John’s account with fresh eyes, we see Jesus bound and taken away. Two of his disciples, Peter and probably John (the author of this gospel), followed him into the courtyard of the high priest. Peter wasn’t allowed in at first, but the other disciple knew the high priest. By association, Peter also was admitted.
Jesus’ trial began in the middle of the night. Certainly not protocol, I would imagine. Having been a paralegal for 30+ years, I know that trials take months to prepare for. Gathering facts, interviewing witnesses, and preparing exhibits are all time-consuming tasks. The religious leaders were pushing this through on the fast track.
There was so much going on. It’s good for us to remember the events had to happen in this way. Jesus expected it and predicted it. The Scriptures had foretold it. Jesus is our king, but his kingdom is not of this world. It was time for his reign to begin.
Jesus will actually have six trials. We see the first one today, before Annas. Once a high priest, always a high priest. However, the Roman rule had removed Annas as high priest and replaced him with his son-in-law, Caiaphas. It was Caiaphas who was now the “actual” or recognized high priest. Jesus’ trial began with Annas.
This was a short exchange, and it appears Annas was most concerned with what Jesus had been telling his disciples. After all, if they were to do away with one man, Jesus, that would leave eleven others who might take up where Jesus left off. Jesus’ response was not pleasing to the temple guard who made it clear with a slap that the answer was not appreciated or respectful to the high priest.
With that, Jesus was bound again and taken to the “actual” high priest for trial #2. These religious leaders were scrambling to put something together against Jesus. He hadn’t done a thing, yet they had to conjure up something that would lead to his death.
Meanwhile… Don’t you like that word? It sets the stage to remind us that while this is going on, elsewhere, Peter is warming himself around the fire. It’s night, it’s cool. Peter has already denied being associated with Jesus to the girl at the gate. You will recall Jesus warned him he would do this three times. We’ve seen one so far.
So what do you think about the way this story unfolds? Jesus’ trial is a bit of a joke, yet can we blame the religious leaders? They were so focused on their own gain and popularity, they were blinded by the miracle alive before their eyes. It’s one of those situations where God allows evil to infiltrate his godly people.
Peter, on the other hand, could be us. How many times in our life have we denied our faith or turned our back on Jesus for something of this world? Maybe only for a season or brief period in our lives, but we have lost our focus. Jesus knew Peter would be overtaken. He knows the same about us.
So what can we do about it? How can make sure we don’t lose our focus on God and stay true? Take some time to think about times you’ve strayed from Jesus’ loving arms. Darker days to be sure. But Jesus stands ready, with arms open wide, to welcome us back when we come to our senses. He is there no matter what waiting to have a relationship with us. We need to keep our eyes on him.
Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for those times when I forge on ahead without you by my side. Thank you for reminding me you stand ready to accept me back. You have a