The end is drawing near. Jesus has said his time has come. It has begun. Each year as we prepare our hearts for the Easter message, I am saddened. I know the plan all along was that Jesus had to die. Why do I feel sad? I’m sad that the people just didn’t see that the I AM was right in front of them!
But isn’t that exactly how it was supposed to go. If everyone had been enthralled with Jesus and hanging on his every word every waking moment, there would be no crucifixion, there would be no resurrection. But I’m getting ahead of myself here.
Imagine you’ve never heard the story. And maybe some of the readers of this devotional blog have not. Jesus has just prayed for himself, for his friends, and for us. Now it’s time to go to the olive garden. Others gospel writers will tell us Jesus prayed in the garden, but John is getting right to the point. This was the point of confrontation.
The betrayer, Judas, knew Jesus would come here and he had a contingent with him to come arrest Jesus. With
Jesus all but handed himself over when he found out they were looking for him. He didn’t want his friends to get in the middle of things. To fulfill what he had said, “I did not lose a single one of those you have given me.” But Peter wanted to play hero and protect Jesus.
That was a pretty bold move on Peter’s part. Maybe it was just instinct, after all, he was wearing a sword sheath. If you are trained to use such weapons, you react when the situation warrants. Like when we were training in karate for self-defense (and exercise), it becomes almost automatic to block a punch or any strike that appears to be coming from an opponent.
So how did this speak to you today? Are you ready to walk once again with Jesus through his final hours? Ask God to prepare your heart to hear what’s going to happen next.

Let’s pray. Lord, you endured so much for me and this is just the beginning. Knowing it was going to happen must have also been agonizing. My gratitude can never be expressed in words. It’s just too immense. Thank you. May this convict me to be a better follower. May my mouth be ready at all times to share you and your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Peter is one of my favorite characters of the Bible. I can relate to him so much and I just love his passion. He made many mistakes and the Lord kept loving & correcting him.
Yes, Peter’s passion is great! I love how God loves us no matter what!