John 17:20-26 – Jesus Prays Unity for Us

Read John 17:20-26

Did you know that Jesus prayed for you? Jesus’ prayer in this chapter included himself, his disciples, and us, those who are the faithful followers to come. Jesus knew we would need prayer for unity. There are so many things that separate us from him and each other. Satan does whatever he can to drive wedges between relationships, split churches, and distract us from our mission.

Jesus gave us a new commandment, to love one another as he has loved us. It’s hard to do this when our hearts are not unified. Our human frailty often stands in the way of us being able (or willing) to love each other. Divisions will separate, but Jesus prays for unity. In the end, we will all see him face to face. We will at long last be unified with the Father, Son, and Spirit.

But what about the days leading up to that day? Jesus revealed himself intimately to this disciples. We see that through God’s word. How can we overlook the importance of unity? Jesus obviously thought it was important. Of all the things he could have prayed for us, he prays for unity. He wants us to be one with him. One big happy family.

Jesus knew we would fail in our own weakness and not enjoy unity with one another. We would let prejudice and greed infiltrate and keep us from being as one. We see so many denominations, all worshiping the same Father. We see other religions that don’t believe as we do that Jesus is the only way to the Father. We see people who don’t believe there is a God. There is certainly a lack of unity. An epidemic of people all trying to recreate the wheel and find their truth in the lies of the world. Even within one body of Christ or church family, you will find division. That has always been so hard for me.

Maybe we all need to be praying for unity like Jesus modeled for us. It certainly wouldn’t hurt. In fact, if we all do it, if we all are searching for unity of heart and mind, there is a much better chance the prayer for unity can be answered.

We need to be a people that are so focused on God. We need acknowledge that Jesus’ spirit is alive in each of us. We can’t deny the magnetic drive to be as one with the Father. If we are all unified to the Father, setting aside all of the misunderstandings and lies that separate us, the world will truly see us as unified and holy, set apart for God’s purposes. That’s what God wants, why don’t we do a better job of doing it?

Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of not being accepted by our peers. There are all sorts of fears that keep us stuck. Fear is not of God. When we grasp that truth, we can stand against it. It’s not easy; I’m not saying that it is. But to know our enemy and what he is capable of will help us recognize when we are being manipulated. Only then can we avoid missing out on the unity God desires for us.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for your prayer and concern for us. Forgive us when we let the lies of the world permeate our being and push us away from you and other believers. Guard our hearts. May it be my prayer as well to be in unity with you and others. Use me to bring the message of unity to others. This is important to you, and I want it to be important to me, too. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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