Paul is warning us here to be careful of non-believers in our circle of friends, your “peeps.” Other translations would say don’t be “yoked” with unbelievers. Why? Because believers and unbelievers don’t mix well. We can easily go astray and leave our faith in Jesus behind when we are connected to unbelievers. This can be in marriage, in business, in close friendships.
When I first thought about this, I had a hard time because our call is to seek the lost, those that don’t know Jesus’ saving grace. Many times we need to befriend an unbeliever to get them to trust us enough to hear our message, to really listen and understand what our mission is. How do we balance that? Plus, the world is full of unbelievers, so clearly Paul is not saying to avoid them altogether.
Rather, we need to be mindful of the danger. Satan has power in this world, and he can use anyone to get us off course. Paul is talking more about entering into a partnership, a binding agreement, or something similar with a non-believer. That includes marriage, but Paul has warned the Corinthians before about marrying an unbeliever (see 1 Corinthians 7).
We can certainly be in the company of unbelievers and not sin. Think of the times that Jesus associated with sinners. He was a friend of sinners. But we aren’t Jesus. We have human weakness like Jesus, but he also had the power of God. Wait. We have that, too! We need to have discernment not to participate in the sins the unbelieving friends may suggest we join in. Sometimes those invitations can be very enticing! That is what we need to be mindful to avoid.
I love how Paul says we are temples of the living God. Yes, God lives in us. We are his representatives. What do people see when they look at you? Do they see someone who is holy, who loves God, who does their best at avoiding sinful behavior?
Sometimes we do need to separate ourselves from those unbelievers. We need to stay true to our beliefs and calling. Remember these words from God, “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” God is inside us and walking beside us. We are his children. If that means we need to separate, I’m fine with that. I am proud and thankful for my inheritance. I don’t want to mess that up by hanging with the wrong crowd.
How is this speaking to you today? Are you involved in some unhealthy relationships? Do you sense that you are you being pulled away from God?

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you that you love me and want the best for me. I love being your temple and having you live in me. Help me in discerning when what I am being asked to do by an unbeliever is indeed sinful and contrary to your will. Use me and my devotion to you to help bring those people closer to you. May I not fear being caught up in their wrongdoing but stand firm in your knowledge and strength. In Jesus’ name. Amen.