Read 2 Chronicles 13:1-22
On paper, Abijah and his select troops were outnumbered two to one by Jeroboam’s troops in the north. Jeroboam must have believed his victory was sure. But Abijah didn’t retreat out of fear. Instead, Abijah boldly proclaimed the LORD to Jeroboam’s mighty army.
I was proud of Abijah, weren’t you? How many times have we, in the face of danger, declared our allegiance to God and called out the ignorance of our rival? Abijah said without hesitation, “But as for us, the LORD is our God, and we have not abandoned him.”
What was Abijah’s response when he realized that Jeroboam was secretly planning to attack from the rear as well? They cried out to God. Abijah’s opening remarks had not been merely a diversion. The people of Judah were indeed relying on God’s power for their victory.
How did God respond? He granted Abijah’s army victory over the rest of Israel. “So Judah defeated Israel on that occasion because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their ancestors.” It must have been hard for God to destroy his people, but Jeroboam’s kingdom was not faithful to the LORD. They had chosen the pagan ways with their golden idols for gods and priests who were basically self-appointed by fulfilling certain requirements. The priestly line of Aaron had long since fled to Judah because of Jeroboam’s leadership.
The bold statement, “God is on our side” should rather be framed as a question, “Are we on God’s side?”
Abijah’s reign was of short duration, but this one battle stands out as wisdom for us. Don’t abandon God. Even if you’re the underdog, with God on your side you can’t lose. However, making such a bold statement “God is on our side” should rather be reframed as a question we ask ourselves, “Are we on God’s side?”
God’s power is available for all who trust and obey him. The Holy Spirit stands ready to help us through our hardships. Knowing the LORD’s presence always with us can give us the sense of security we need. I’d much rather face my foes with the Holy Spirit aiding me than trying to fight those battles alone.
Are you facing a battle at the moment? Are you ready to stand boldly like Abijah and tell that problem or foe of yours that you belong to God, and you’re going to rely on God to help you?

Let’s pray. LORD, your power never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for how you respond to those who faithfully rely on you for help. I long for the day when your might and majesty are acknowledged and honored in this world. Forgive me for the times when I have relied on my own power. I am trying to do a better job of deferring to you and waiting on your timing. It’s hard, so I appreciate your patience with me. I love you, LORD. In Jesus’ name. Amen.