Read 2 Chronicles 12:1-16
We see in this reading what can happen when leaders are not following God. All the efforts of fortifying cities Rehoboam did in our last reading could not stop the invasion when God was allowing it. The prophet “Shemaiah told them, “This is what the Lord says: You have abandoned me, so I am abandoning you to Shishak.” What does that say to us today?
The leaders accepted God’s response and promptly humbled themselves. Seeing this, God relented from his plan of destruction. What if these leaders had not understood God’s disapproval and discounted the prophet’s warning?
God wasn’t going to let them off the hook completely. How would they have learned their lesson? The amended plan was this. “But they will become his subjects, so they will know the difference between serving me and serving earthly rulers.” The Israelites would now have to answer to the leaders from Egypt and suffer what persecution that might bring.
I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be on the receiving end of God’s mercy and grace rather than oppression from earthly regimes. For Christ-followers today, we get both. We receive all the bounty from God, his love, forgiveness, and grace. We also endure ridicule, or worse, for our faith and values when they are counter to the world’s view.
Not being “politically correct” can make us targets for bad things to happen. However, when we stand on the truth of Scripture, we are showing God our desire to be faithful to him. To arm ourselves with the Word of God, like Jesus was in the wilderness when he was being tempted by Satan himself, we need to read it. Embrace it. Humble ourselves from reading it.
Rehoboam was known from then as an evil king despite the fact he had humbled himself in that instant. Rehoboam would see many things taken from him and his kingdom on account of his lack of faith. Did he realize how much more he could have had, how rich his kingdom may have been had he stayed true to God? Are we living up to the best that God desires for us?
Why do people fall away from God? That’s a conversation starter to be sure! There are so many reasons including distractions, temptations, selfishness, and more.
For today, spend time with God. Ask him to stay close as you navigate through your day.

Let’s pray. Father God, stay close. In your mightiness you allow what you allow. Bad things will happen in our lives. Help me to respond in healthy and God honoring ways when things don’t go my way. I don’t want to give in to the evil one, Lord. Help me stay connected to you. Reveal yourself to me in your word so that I can be equipped to fight the battles of life. Light my path to find your way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.