You may have heard the saying, “behind every great man is a great woman.” I’m not sure where that comes from exactly, but we have seen examples of that down through the ages. If you are a woman reading this, your man is great because of you! And, if you’re a man, then cherish that bride of yours who is making you great!
David seems to have several women in his life. We can’t forget how Saul’s daughter Michal helped David escape several chapters ago. Apparently, in their culture a father can give his daughter away if he chooses. That’s what Saul did in David’s absence following his escape.
We’ve said before that the LORD was active in this story to protect David from himself. David acknowledges that when he says, “Praise the Lord, who has avenged the insult I received from Nabal and has kept me from doing it myself. Nabal has received the punishment for his sin.” David was thankful for the righteousness of God.
Without wasting any time, David sends for Nabal’s widow, Abigail. He had apparently been impressed with her devotion and spunk. He wanted her to be his wife. Aside from that, she brought with her great riches and connections to the community as Nabal’s widow. That would certainly come in handy for David when his time to become king arrived.
Abigail was certainly open to this invitation. She would be a perfect partner for David, knowing how to be shrewd when necessary, having political and economic standing to support David, and a shared faith that their power comes from God. Not to mention, as wife to a king she could become queen!
In my own life, God has placed me beside a strong, faithful man, also named David. My David didn’t kill a giant with just a sling shot and stone, but he has slayed many a demon over the years trying to get us off course. My David has demonstrated faithfulness and integrity in this world of self-serving, misguided leaders. For that I am grateful!
To him, I am the encourager and cheerleader that help him be “great!” I remind him regularly of how amazing he is and how God has gifted him to serve. We often lose sight of what’s important and need that gentle guidance (or kick in the butt) to get back on track.
I saw a quote that plays on the saying that started this reflection. “Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess, because just like in the game of chess, the queen protects the king.” We see David at a time in his life where he has been running for his life and living in caves. That sounds a bit like a “mess” to me. How messy is your life right now?
Who do you have in your life that is keeping you “honest,” encouraging you to be in relationship with Jesus? Say a prayer of thanks for them in this moment.

Let’s pray …
Lord, I am feeling so grateful for the man you have put into my life who opens up my mind and challenges me to be more accepting of your love and provision. I pray that you will use me to help him, and others, be more focused on your majesty as well. I love you, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.