It’s almost like cat and mouse game between Saul and David. It does almost seem like a game for Saul. A very dark game. Yet whether by David’s actions or not, David has yet to be caught or killed. Just when we think that Saul may be nearing the end of his patience, his anger and preoccupation escalating with every moment, the scene changes.
Saul is snapped back into the reality of the big picture. What good is a squabble regarding who is king if there is no Israel to lord over? The Philistines are a threat to deal with right away. His own personal vengeance will have to wait.
I thought it interesting that there was another Philistine crisis a little earlier in our story when David took a time out from the chase to come to Israel’s rescue. Both men have a strong allegiance to their heritage. It is David who is still wanting to honor God in all he does.
What are you chasing after in your life right now? Perhaps it’s all you can do to just make it through each day, much less be working toward any big dream. Maybe you’re feeling like you are stuck in a pit without a lot of hope of getting free any time soon.
I’ve learned a lot over the past couple years about self-care, goal setting, and being productive. I know from experience that it does the spirit good to have something dangling out ahead for pleasure or accomplishment. A goal. A dream. Those are things worth chasing.
For Saul, he was chasing a lie. He was chasing an innocent man because he was blinded. He had left God’s good graces because of his disobedience, and his days on the throne were numbered. Saul knew that.
It would seem that he also believed David to be the enemy. David was far from the enemy. But he was going to be Saul’s replacement, even though no formal announcement had been made. If Jonathan could see the future playing out, Saul probably could, too.
The dream Saul had been chasing was crashing down. His attention was now diverted to chase another thing – or person rather, David. How do you get yourself out of a dark hole when you aren’t even sure how you got there?
Take some time to reevaluate your motives and aspirations. What or who are you chasing? Is it worth waiting for, and does it honor God?

Let’s pray …
Lord, I am feeling a bit fragile and uncertain. There are so many options ahead of me, and yet I don’t feel any clarity. Thank you that I have the freedom and ability to chase my dreams. You know what’s on my heart, Lord. Make me strong for the chase. In Jesus’ name. Amen.