What struck me in this reading is how the relationship between David and God seems so natural, almost like they’re old friends. I have not personally had a conversation like that with God where I am totally clear on a particular life or death, what should I do next, kind of question.
We see first the victory over the Philistines. We didn’t see David rushing ahead before God with confidence and might. David prayed. First and foremost we need to keep that model in mind. Before rushing forward with decisions in our life, we need to get on our knees.
I don’t know about you, but lately it seems like a lot of things are shifting in my life. It all started with a move abroad to Mexico several years ago. With each new beginning, I now turn to God. There are a lot of unanswered, pending prayer requests dangling right now.
This is a time of waiting for me. Sure, I could rush on past and get some things done, but I’m not sure that’s the direction God has for me. I love talking to God like he’s sitting here with me. Nothing fancy or eloquent usually. Just me asking, “What now, God? Should I go this way or that way?”
David was doing the same thing. He wanted to know what was going to happen. What were the people going to think? God’s answers to those questions told David how to escape from Saul. It was going to be God’s intervention that saved David’s life.
Poor Saul. It seems like his life mission is now completely focused on bringing David’s demise. Despite Saul seeming out of his mind, God sees through to his devious mind and protects David. Of course, God is able to do much more than that!
When you think about your relationship with God, does the statement, “He’s my friend” come to mind? Why or why not? Does this story give you reason to be more open in your prayer time?

Let’s pray …
Lord, I love that you have an “open door” and welcome my praise, my worship, my requests, and my thanks! There are so many loose ends in my life right now. Please make your way clear so that I make the right decisions. Guide my steps. Thank you for listening and being such a great friend. In Jesus’ name. Amen.