Let’s fight! That was Rehoboam’s go-to solution. He learned in our last reading that he had some competition as king. He pulled a good number of troops together. And then God spoke. Just like that.
God used a prophet to bring this message! “Do not fight against your relatives, the Israelites. Go back home, for what has happened is my doing!” That was a bold and direct message. Nobody could infer anything different than what God intended, “Stop!”
And, just like that, the people obeyed and went home. It had been years since the Israelites had seen battles like what would ensue what that many mobilized troops. Not eager to go to war, the people were no doubt relieved and may have even sprinted home!
Just like that, we should also be ready to take our marching orders from God. What is he calling us to do? I’ve really been listening hard lately. I feel like we are at a turning point in history on so many different fronts.
Looking back in the years to come on the events of 2020 and 2021, I’m sure there will be a lot of raised eyebrows. Realization will hit that the world changed almost overnight. What seemed impossible was becoming possible. What was possible previously was becoming outdated if not impossible.
Incredible, isn’t it, to be part of God’s unfolding plan? We read about the history of those generations living at the time of the Kings, and what change and future they dreamed of was nothing like what we can now fathom.
Think of that. Just like that our world is changing, evolving, and becoming something we almost don’t recognize. It should invigorate us a bit to see how creative God’s people can be. There is beauty in all of the chaos we are seeing amidst pandemic versus post-pandemic reality.
I don’t know about you, but I make it my prayer that God will use me in some way to shine light into this dark world. If enough of us are praying that prayer, we should be able to pierce the darkness together.
Are you ready to give more of yourself back to God?

Let’s pray …
Lord, thank you for how you have used me to be a light to others. I feel such a privilege to be your hands and feet in this world full of darkness and confusion. Equip me for the tasks you have and open the opportunities to serve you. Thank you for never leaving me alone but trusting me as your servant. In Jesus’ name. Amen.