Read 1 Chronicles 29:21-30
What a smooth and seamless transition of power! David had many sons, so it was fitting that a big deal was made during his succession. It was good to see that honoring God was part of the festivities. We’re given a glimpse into the future, too. Verse 23 says, “So Solomon took the throne of the Lord in place of his father, David, and he succeeded in everything, and all Israel obeyed him.” Solomon’s reign sounds ideal.
It’s key to see that all of Solomon’s brothers, as well as the officials and leaders were on board. But probably the best blessing of all was from God. The text says, “And the LORD exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel, and he gave Solomon greater royal splendor than any king in Israel before him.” It will be good to see how God works in Solomon’s reign as we continue reading in 2 Chronicles.
Solomon had to be the happiest of all. Not only had Solomon witnessed a good role model of what a good king should be, he had all of David’s well thought out plans and organization. Together, Solomon had quite an advantage!
For today, we are going to celebrate the life of King David. The Chronicler’s view of King David was positive, starting with the military victories and ending with his faithful preparations for succession. There’s a lot to celebrate when we recall David’s devotion to God and how his kingdom established that expectation. All kings after David would be compared to him in terms of their relationship with God.
David had come a long way from his early days as a shepherd tending his father’s flocks. People still speak of and marvel at his forty-year rule. Why do you think that is? I believe it’s because we don’t see many leaders these days with a heart for God like David had. God knew David’s heart was open and dedicated to pleasing him. David was blessed for such loyalty.
How does King David’s rule or attitude toward God speak to you? Think over the things we learned about David from the Chronicler. What impressed you the most? Perhaps it includes David’s military strength, David’s planning skills, David’s speeches and prayers, David’s generosity, David’s leadership abilities. Thank you, King David, for the example of your God-fearing leadership.

Let’s pray. Lord, I celebrate with you the example King David gave us of what leadership can be when we trust you to show us the way. You will never abandon me as I seek your will. May I be more mindful of listening for your voice and direction and closing out the noise of the world. Forgive me when I plow ahead on my own. Help me to trust your ways and walk in them daily. In Jesus’ name. Amen.