1 Chronicles 2:1-55 – More Familiar

family unit walking hand in hand away from the camera toward a blue sky with sun and clouds

Read 1 Chronicles 2:1-55

In Spanish, the word “familiar” is often used to identify a family connection. So, it makes sense we’d be more familiar with our family. Here, the Chronicler is giving us another piece of the family history of Jesus, our brother.

When you think of it like that, you want to pay attention. You may have recognized more of the names in this reading. Although there are plenty that seem totally foreign. I wonder if any of those names still exist in those Middle Eastern countries or not. It’s always neat when you run across one that we have in a culture that’s more familiar to us.

For each son named in this account, there are brothers that get little or no further mention. As family trees go, the connections would go deeper and there are presumably many cousins of those named that also were related and part of the family. They weren’t the “favored” ones, so there was jealousy and hostility from the start. You wouldn’t expect it to be any other way, knowing tendencies of the human condition. Even in Christian circles there can be “push to shove” kind of exchanges between leadership and those following.

Did something surprise you in this passage? I had an “a-ha” moment when I read that David was the seventh son. I have probably known that “fact” for a long time, but it finally found its way into my heart. Seven is a special number in the Bible as it represents completion or perfection, because God rested on the seventh day after creating the world in six.

King David, the psalmist and one whose throne will never end now that Jesus has taken the reign, was far from perfect. Yet in God’s eyes, David was perfect. Why? Because David sought after God, seeking counsel time and again for his direction in life. God appreciates that devotion, a genuine acknowledgement of trust. We can learn from David.

Reflect on anything else the Holy Spirit is whispering in your ear. You are part of something familiar.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Father God, I am so delighted to be part of your family. Thank you for sending Jesus to rescue us and show us the way to you. Gratitude overflows because of what Jesus did to show your love for me. Help me to see the beauty in all the ancestry records you have given us. It’s miraculous, so thank you. I see you moving in all history. Help me proclaim your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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