Advent🎄 Matthew 24:42-44 – Watch

This Advent reading comes from Jesus’ teaching on the future found in Matthew 24:

“So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.”

Jesus is coming back. He said so himself. Even as we draw closer to the celebration of His first coming, I’m still excited for Jesus’ second coming. Jesus gives us a warning here we should to pay attention to. “Keep watch!” Since we’re not meant to know exactly when he’s coming, being on watch will assure we are not drifting away from God’s loving arms. The not knowing can also make the waiting and watching much harder.

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Jeremiah 14:1-10 – Feeling Parched & Dry?

Read Jeremiah 14:1-10

parched land with cracks and one green sprout

Have you ever lived through a drought? The situation can be quite dire for farmers who rely on the earth to produce an income. As an Iowa girl for many years, I witnessed firsthand how farmers waited with guarded anticipation each season, especially the dry ones. I’m sure there were lots of prayers for rain being prayed.

Judah’s drought sounds to be extremely severe. Running out of water is a concern even now for some areas of the world. Rivers are at all time lows, fires are burning out of control, and people find themselves rationing water. Living in an arid climate here in Mexico, we’re extra careful with our own water consumption and love rainy season (the season we are in as I write this). It’s literally pouring outside as I reflect about dry and parched lands! (I think that’s a “God wink” for me today!)

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