Let’s unpack verse 17 today. It says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” I know how to sharpen a pencil, but how in the world do I sharpen a friend? Have you ever seen iron sharpening iron? A good example would be a knife sharpener. We have men that go door to door here in Mexico to sharpen the household knives. These men sing and/or whistle a little tune. I think it’s the “Mexican Knife Song.” I thought maybe it was just our area, but then I saw the same thing on a show we were watching, and the setting was Puerto Rico.
I remember the first time we had our knives sharpened here. I found joy in cooking just like it was my first time. There’s nothing like a sharp knife to help with meal prep! I didn’t even realize how dull the dull ones I had been using had become. Watching the sharpening process is fascinating.
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