Read Numbers 23:13-24:9
Balak thought that taking Balaam to a new place would change the outcome and he’d get his curse on Israel. We learn in these next two oracles that God doesn’t change his mind. There may be instances in the Bible when God does change his intention, but that is generally at the pleading of one of his faithful ones. What we can say for certain is God is always faithful.
Were you surprised that God spoke directly to Balak in this second oracle? Balak was pressuring Balaam for a curse. Balaam stood his ground and said he could not go against God’s word to him. I can only imagine the pressure Balaam must have felt being on a strange mountaintop, with a king, having just hauled fourteen animals up the mountain to be sacrificed. It was quite the production, and for what Balak must have thought. Continue reading “Numbers 23:13-24:9 – To Bless or Curse”