Ezra 7:11-26 – A King’s Provision

Read Ezra 7:11-26

This letter to Ezra contains many blessings from this pagan king. King Artaxerxes may not be an Israelite, but he certainly holds God in high regard. Many believers don’t have the same respect as this king. The time of exile must have made quite an impact on the kingly leadership of that day. Those who stayed faithful became tremendous testimonies to the majesty and grace of the great God we serve.

Anytime we can share our witness with others, we can make a difference. You never know who is watching. You never know how God is going to use any of the people you encounter. Ezra wanted to study and bring awareness to his own people, yet he was clearly spreading a message to non-believers as well.

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Zechariah 9:9-10 – Triumph!

Read Zechariah 9:9-10

Don’t you love this passage?! I can almost hear the shouts of “Hosanna” while palm branches are waving about. It’s always great to know where the Old Testament prophecies are that Jesus fulfilled. Here Zechariah announces the coming messianic king.

When the people heard “victorious” and “righteous,” they likely pictured their messiah would be a warrior king. Why then, would he be riding on a donkey’s colt? To be mighty in battle, that king would ride a spirited stallion, a war horse.  Note the text says nothing about warfare.

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