Zechariah 9:9-10 – Triumph!

colorful children's blocks that spell PEACE and WAR with shared A

Read Zechariah 9:9-10

Don’t you love this passage?! I can almost hear the shouts of “Hosanna” while palm branches are waving about. It’s always great to know where the Old Testament prophecies are that Jesus fulfilled. Here Zechariah announces the coming messianic king.

When the people heard “victorious” and “righteous,” they likely pictured their messiah would be a warrior king. Why then, would he be riding on a donkey’s colt? To be mighty in battle, that king would ride a spirited stallion, a war horse.  Note the text says nothing about warfare.

In fact, the opposite is true. God is going to do away with all of that. The king he is preparing to send “will bring peace to the nations.” While the thrill of victory can’t be denied, to imagine peace between people would be an astounding victory. Don’t you agree?

It’s easy for us, sitting on this side of history. We see how Jesus fulfills the first part of this prophecy. We have the opportunity to meet and spend time with Jesus. The people hearing Zechariah’s words for the first time couldn’t do that. They could only imagine such a king. They passed down the anticipation to many generations to follow. Even when Jesus did arrive, many didn’t acknowledge him as the Messiah.

Our text talks of a triumphant shout. The true triumph of our messiah is his victory over sin and death. Jesus will do mighty deeds while on earth because he is given power from God.

The second part of this oracle tells us what God’s part will be. See the “I will” statements? That’s God’s part so that Jesus’ “realm will stretch from sea to sea and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.” To me, that part of the prophecy is still on its way because Jesus’ kingdom has only been partially revealed to us with his first coming.

For today, reflect on how you welcome Jesus into your life. Do you have the relationship with him that makes you want to shout with triumph?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for meeting me where I am and revealing yourself to me bit by bit. I love how the Holy Spirit gives me a deeper appreciation for you. Continue to use me because I am empowered when I see you working in my life. I love giving you credit for all that I can accomplish when I feel weak. Thank you for the freedom to shout your praises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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