The Book of Proverbs is a gift that keeps on giving. There are several verses in today’s passage that spoke to me. Verse 31 made me smile. I was noticing in the mirror today that my “roots” were starting to show again. I am stuck in a pattern of coloring my hair. It started before I had gray to cover. One of these days, I may just need to let it go for it says, “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life.” I’m covering up the proof of my godly life! Although, I’m not sure I’m ready to look in the mirror and see gray.
What really struck me even more today (than my own vanity, yes!) is how we treat others. With kindness. Does it seem to you that we have lost this virtue? What happened to the good old days when we were kind, thoughtful, generous, etc. to our neighbors and acquaintances? On one of the biggest social platforms out there, Facebook, I don’t see a lot of kindness these days.
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