Micah 1:6-16 – Here’s What to Expect

Read Micah 1:6-16

Large ceramic hands cupping to hold and protect a crouching small ceramic person

Micah is not bringing news of great joy. His predictions of the Lord’s coming do not call for a triumphant entry full of praise. God’s anger toward his people was burning bright, and we are given a glimpse at the path the conquerors will take in destroying the land of Israel and Judah.

Micah is beside himself with grief. Israel is where it will all begin, but his own homeland in the southern kingdom is not secure. Micah uses such descriptive language to describe his own emotional state. “I will mourn and lament. I will walk around barefoot and naked. I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl.” Have you had a time in your life when you have felt so desperate? How did you get through that time?

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2 Kings 14:1-22 – Bad Things Still Happen

Read 2 Kings 14:1-22

Man standing with thought bubble above his head asking "WHY?"

You don’t have to be a history buff to enjoy reading about the history of God’s people. We’re God’s people, so this is our story as well. In this reading we see where the good king doesn’t win. Haven’t we seen the pattern of the good kings getting victory because they are followers of the LORD? Even Scripture alludes to this change, “Amaziah did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight, but not like his ancestor David.” (Disclosure: obedience doesn’t always lead to victory!)

So, it makes sense that Amaziah would not necessarily have enjoyed the taste of victory every time like David had. The difference, David would have consulted with God about a battle. We didn’t see any evidence of that when Amaziah, almost boastfully, called for battle with Israel’s king. What would have possessed him to do such a thing? That conflict would be between brothers and certainly didn’t seem like something God would approve of!

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1 Samuel 20:24-42 – No Doubt About It!

Read 1 Samuel 20:24-42

Hand doing the "ok" sign, with sunlight streaming from behind, right in the circle of the O.

If there was any doubt about whether Saul was serious about killing David, those doubts can be laid to rest. I was so thankful Jonathan and David met before this scene to make the plan they had for this very scenario.

David used the wisdom from God when he called out that Saul’s anger at the news would surely indicate his intent was to kill David. Saul’s anger seemed to erupt and flow towards his own son! Thankfully that spear missed its mark. Saul mustn’t be a very good aim, or God is just a much better spotter! (I think the latter!)

Continue reading “1 Samuel 20:24-42 – No Doubt About It!”

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