Proverbs 19:15-29 – Fear the Lord!

Read Proverbs 19:15-29

I came across a great explanation of what it means to fear the Lord by brother Jonathan Crosby. He says, “The fear of the LORD is belief in the Creator God of the Bible with an awestruck consciousness of His glory and greatness and a loving desire to obey all He requires to please and worship Him and avoid disappointing Him in any way. It is like the humble adoration and affection that good children give a loving yet authoritative father.”

Think of this as we unpack the verse for today, verse 23.  It reads, “Fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm.” Unfortunately, this security does not mean we won’t encounter troubles and challenges in this life. The promise here is that when we fear the Lord, we have life with him forever. It is then that we are forever safe and secure, protected from harm.

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Proverbs 15:21-33 – Humble Yourself

Read Proverbs 15:21-33

Would you agree that most people would rather take the shorter route to their destination? Or perhaps the fastest route would be better? To say the least, we are a destination focused society. Think of these examples. On vacation, you are heading somewhere. When reading a book, your destination is the ending of the story. When in school, you are working toward a degree or certification. Whatever the destination is, there is a journey to get there.

What if the journey is more important than the destination? Are we spending too much time focused on outcome that we miss the beauty of the steps to get there? Think of all the people who want to be famous and receive recognition and honor. That is the destination they seek. Verse 33 would say, “Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor.” We must humble ourselves first. If our “destination” is fame and glory, we need to first step back, humble ourselves, and prepare our hearts for the honor. We need not discount the beautiful journey we will take to get there and be more focused on serving and blessing others.

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Matthew 10:21-31 – Beware of the World

Read Matthew 10:21-31

Jesus continues to paint the picture of what the disciples are going to find, witness, and experience on their journey. If we listen as if these words of instruction are for us, what stands out to you the most?

Were you confused and saddened by how families are portrayed? Did you recognize what it is like to be persecuted and have to flee? Did you appreciate the equality Jesus speaks of? The bottom line here is Jesus does not want us to be afraid of men. God sees all and nothing can be hidden. For those who stand firm to the end will be saved. There is a definite goal in store for staying the course.

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