Ezekiel 30:20-26 – It’s Broken

Read Ezekiel 30:20-26

What’s broken? The LORD broke Pharoah’s arms and told Ezekiel about it. This fourth prophecy about Egypt has a date placing it about four months before the fall of Jerusalem. Could this signify Egypt’s unsuccessful attempt to help the people in Jerusalem fight against Babylon? From other Bible texts (2 Kings 24), we know Judah had rebelled against Babylon and made an alliance with Egypt. Ezekiel’s prophecy confirms the LORD wanted no intervention to thwart his plans.

What do you think Ezekiel was thinking as he was receiving this message? God was going to do something big against Egypt and it was going to happen sooner rather than later. The broken arm is thought to be the LORD shutting down Pharoah when he tried to intervene with the Babylonians in Judah, even if it was a “half-hearted” attempt in the first place. But two arms? Continue reading “Ezekiel 30:20-26 – It’s Broken”

Ezekiel 30:1-19 – Who is Your Ally?

Read Ezekiel 30:1-19

We don’t get a time stamp on this reading, and any attempts at dating it are only speculative. What we do see are four oracle pronouncements by the Sovereign God. God is on the move, and his divine intervention will be in battle. The result he promised was a total collapse of Egypt and their allies. “All of Egypt’s allies will fall, and the pride of her power will end.” What a message!

Can you imagine? From exile in Babylon, God was using Ezekiel to announce the fall of a powerful civilization. We still marvel today at those pyramids! Many generations prior to Ezekiel’s words, God had boldly brought an Egyptian ruler to his knees. You may recall how God used Moses to rescue God’s people from slavery and oppression in Egypt. Continue reading “Ezekiel 30:1-19 – Who is Your Ally?”


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